Goal Seek In Google Sheets

What Is Goal Seek In Google Sheets?

Goal Seek in Google Sheets is an add-on functionality. It shows how changing one input variable value in a formula can affect the formula output. So, the option helps us decide what value an input cell should hold to achieve the desired output in the formula cell.

Users can make use of the Goal Seek option in Google Sheets for performing financial predictions, break-even analysis, and managing optimization issues.

For instance, the following source dataset shows the monthly income and expense data, based on which we calculate the monthly savings in cell C2.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Intro

The target is to determine the monthly expense value, which will result in a monthly savings value of $12,000, with the monthly income remaining the same.

Then, we can utilize the Goal Seek option to secure the optimal monthly expense value in cell B2 to obtain the required monthly savings value in cell C2. The method adheres to the meaning of Goal Seek In Google Sheets explained earlier.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Intro - method

We must select cell C2, containing the formula that calculates the monthly savings value. Next, choose the Goal Seek option from the Extensions tab to open the Goal Seek window.

Now, we must click the icon on the right of the first field to capture the chosen cell and display the cell address in the corresponding field. Next, enter the target monthly savings value in the second field. After that, click cell B2 in the sheet and then click the icon against the third field to capture and display the chosen cell address in the third field.

Finally, click the Solve option. The Goal Seek in Google Sheets calculates the monthly expense value to achieve the target monthly savings value by conducting multiple iterations.

Thus, once all the iterations are complete, the Goal Seek in Google Sheets add-on shows $18,000 as the monthly expense value in cell B2, which results in the target monthly savings of $12,000.

Key Takeaways
  • The Goal Seek in Google Sheets enables us to determine the input value required to meet a specific target formula output. It is typically useful when we know the desired outcome of an evaluation and aim to find the input value that will help us secure that outcome.
  • The Goal Seek add-on in Google Sheets is useful for developing a customized finance sheet, covering aspects such as planning investment strategies and debt repayments.
  • The Goal Seek add-on is not readily available in Google Sheets. We must install it from the Google Workspace Marketplace window to use it.

How To Use Goal Seek In Google Sheets?

Firstly, the Goal Seek in Google Sheets add-on is not available as a default functionality in Sheets. We must add it as an extension, as explained below:

Step 1: Choose the Extension tab – The Add-ons option right arrow – The Get add-ons option.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 1

The Google Workspace Marketplace window opens, where we must enter Goal Seek in the Search bar and press Enter.

The Goal Seek for Sheets add-on appears in the search results, which we must choose.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 1 - search results

Step 2: The Goal Seek installation window will appear, where we click the Install option.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2

Next, we will see a window where we should choose the required Gmail account to proceed.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2 - Gmail account

Click the Continue button and then the Allow button to complete the sign-in process.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2 - Dismiss
Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2 - Allow

Next, we will see the installation completion message.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2 - Installation

Click Done to close the window. Next, we will see the following window, which confirms the add-on is installed in Sheets.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2 - Done

We can close the above window and click the Extensions tab to view the installed Goal Seek add-on.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - use - Step 2 - Extension

The steps for using Goal Seek in Google Sheets are as follows:

  1. Choose the cell containing the specific formula whose output we aim to set by identifying the optimal input value using the Goal Seek option.

  2. Select Extensions Goal Seek Open to access the Goal Seek window.

  3. We must enter the mandatory data in the three fields in the Goal Seek window. First is the Set Cell field, which is the address of the cell holding the concerned formula. We can click the icon next to the field to update it. Next is the To Value field, where we must enter the value we want as the formula output. Finally, the third field is the By Changing Cell. But before updating the third field, select the input value cell in the sheet. Next, click the icon next to the field to update the address of the cell containing the input value used in the specific formula that we aim to optimize to achieve the desired formula output.

  4. Click Solve. The add-on will run multiple iterations of evaluation till the cited input value results in the specified formula output.

  5. The Goal Seek Complete message box will appear once the iterations are complete. Close the message box.


The illustrations below show the practical ways of using Goal Seek in Google Sheets.

Example #1

We have date-wise sales data till 10th April 2024, and we predict the sales value for 11th April based on the known data using the FORECAST.LINEAR function in cell C12.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1

We must know what sales value on 10th April 2024, will generate a sales value of $25,000 on the 11th April.

Then, considering the meaning of Goal Seek in Google Sheets explained previously, we can use the Goal Seek functionality to secure the required data.

Step 1: Once we install the Goal Seek add-on in Sheets, choose cell C12, containing the FORECAST.LINEAR(), and then Extensions Goal Seek Open.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1 - Step 1

The Goal Seek pane appears on the right side, where we must click the icon on the right of the first field to update the chosen cell address.

Step 2: Once the first field gets populated, update the target value in the second field.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1 - Step 2

Step 3: Choose cell B11, containing the input value we aim to find the optimal value for, to secure the required FORECAST.LINEAR() output.

Next, click the icon next to the third field to capture the chosen cell address.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1 - Step 3

Step 4: Once all three fields are populated correctly, click the Solve option.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1 - Step 4

Now, the add-on will run multiple iterations, and with trial and error, it will determine the 10th April sales value that will result in the required 11th April forecasted sales value.

So, once all the iterations are complete, the Goal Seek Complete message box will pop open, and we can view the required output in cell B11.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1 - Step 4 - message box

Finally, close the message box and the Goal Seek pane to complete the action.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 1 - Step 4 - completed

Thus, the sales value on 10th April should be $27,564, for the predicted sales figure for 11th April to be $25,000.

Example #2

Assume we aim to find the break-even point for an item based on the count of units sold to compensate for all the fixed and variable expenses and begin generating a profit. We are aware of the expense and pricing data and must evaluate the break-even point utilizing the Goal Seek function in Google Sheets.

The assumptions are as follows:

  • Fixed Expenses: The firm has fixed expenses of $1,000,000, inclusive of salaries, and other miscellaneous costs.
  • Variable Costs: The variable cost/unit is $150, inclusive of inventory and labor charges.
  • Selling Price: The selling price/unit is $200.
  • Aim: The aim is to find the break-even point based on the count of units sold. So, we must find the count of units of the item sold so that the profit or loss is $0.

Furthermore, the following dataset shows the item’s profit and loss evaluation.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2

So, here is how Goal Seek in Google Sheets calculates the required data.

Step 1: Choose cell B9, containing the formula to determine the profit or loss, and then ExtensionsGoal Seek Open.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 1

Once the Goal Seek pane pops open, click the icon against the first field to update the chosen cell’s address in the first field.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 1 - icon

Step 2: Update the second field value as 0, since we require the break-even point.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 2

Step 3: Since the evaluation is based on the count of units sold, choose cell B5 and then click the icon next to the third field to capture the selected cell address in the third field.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 3

Step 4: Once all the fields are updated, click Solve.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 4

Now, the functionality will run multiple iterations, and with trial and error, it will find the count of the item’s units sold that will result in a profit or loss of $0.

So, after completing all the iterations, the Goal Seek Complete message box will appear, and we can secure the required output in cell B5.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 4 - message box

Finally, close the message box and the Goal Seek pane to complete the action.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 2 - Step 4 - pane

Thus, the count of the concerned item’s units sold should be 20000 to achieve the break-even point for the item.

Example #3

The following dataset shows the average monthly inventory level in cell B8 using the Excel AVERAGE function based on the raw data in the range B2:B7.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 3

We aim to determine the January month inventory level, which will result in an average inventory level of 2200.

Then, we can use the Goal Seek add-on in Google Sheets to determine the required value.

Step 1: Select cell B8 and then Extensions Goal Seek Open to access the Goal Seek window.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 3 - Step 1

Step 2: Click the box symbol to the right of the first field in the Goal Seek pane to enter the chosen cell’s address in the first field.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 3 - Step 2

Step 3: Enter the required target average inventory level value of 2200 in the second field.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 3 - Step 3

Step 4: Select cell B2 and click the icon against the third field to update the selected cell’s address in the third field.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 3 - Step 4

Step 5: Click Solve.

Example 3 - Step 5

The functionality will run several iterations, and with trial and error, it will assess the January month inventory level, resulting in the required average inventory level value.

So, after completing all the trials, the Goal Seek Complete message box will show on the screen, and we can fetch the required output in cell B2.

Goal Seek in Google Sheets - Example 3 - Step 5 - completed

Finally, close the message box and the Goal Seek window to complete the action.

Example 3 - Step 5 - Output

Thus, the January month inventory level should be 1,500 to secure the average inventory level of 2,200.

Goal Seek Not Working

The Goal Seek functionality will not work in the following scenarios:

  • The target cell does not hold a formula.
  • The desired target value is non-numeric.
  • The formula does not have a dependency on the cited changing cell value.

Important Things To Note

  • When using the Goal Seek in Google Sheets functionality, we must ensure that the cell we set as the target cell holds a formula and not data.
  • The target value we update in the Goal Seek add-on window should be a numerical value. If the target value is a formula or a non-numeric value, the functionality will not work.
  • The set changing cell should be correct, and the formula must refer to the specific cell value. Otherwise, the Goal Seek option will not work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a retirement calculation example using Google Sheets’ Goal Seek?

The retirement calculation example using Google Sheets’ Goal Seek is as explained below:

Assume, we wish to retire with an amount of $2 million in 45 years. We know we will get a 6% return on our investments.


The aim is to determine the annual contribution we must make per annum to achieve this target. Assume, currently the retirement amount and the yearly contribution value are 0.

Then, the steps to use the Goal Seek option to fetch the required data are as follows:

Step 1: Choose cell B5, containing the formula to determine the retirement pot value, and then Extensions Goal SeekOpen to open the Goal Seek pane.

FAQ 1 - Step 1

Step 2: Click the icon against the first field in the Goal Seek pane to enter the chosen target cell’s address in the first field.

FAQ 1 - Step 2

Step 3: Enter the required target retirement amount of 2000000 in the second field.

FAQ 1 - Step 3

Step 4: Select cell B4 and click the icon on the right of the third field to enter the selected changing cell’s address in the third field.

FAQ 1 - Step 4

Step 5: Click Solve.

FAQ 1 - Step 5

The functionality will execute several iterations, and with trial and error, it will find the yearly contribution value to generate the required retirement amount.

So, after completing the trials, the Goal Seek Complete message box will show on the screen, and we can acquire the required output in cell B4.

FAQ 1 - Step 5 - complete

Finally, close the message box and the Goal Seek window.

FAQ 1 - Output

In this example, we need to contribute $9,401 per annum to achieve the aspired retirement amount of $2 million.

2. How to troubleshoot a Google Sheets Goal Seek error?

We can troubleshoot a Google Sheets Goal Seek error using the following steps:
‭• Ensure the Set Cell field is updated with the address of the cell holding the formula, whose output we aim to set as the desired target.
‭• The To Value field holding the target value must be a numeric value.
‭• The By Changing Cell input should be the variable whose value we aim to change to attain the target.

3. When to use Goal Seek in Google Sheets IOS?

We can use Goal Seek in Google Sheets IOS when budgeting, evaluating loans, and optimizing business operations. We can also find its applications in engineering and other academic research.

Download Template

This article must be helpful to understand Goal Seek In Google Sheets, with its formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to What Is Goal Seek In Google Sheets. We learn how to use the Goal Seek add-on in Google Sheets with examples & points to remember. You can learn more from the following articles –

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