What Is MINUTE Excel Function?

The MINUTE Excel function is a built-in Date & Time function. It accepts a serial number equivalent to a time value and evaluates the minutes in the specified input value, with the function output ranging between 0-59.

Users can utilize the MINUTE Excel function to determine the required difference value in minutes. Also, the function helps in performing minute-based data analysis.

Consider the following source dataset, which holds time values in different time formats in column A.

MINUTE Excel - Definition Example - 1

We must obtain the minutes from each time value and display the output in column B cells B2:B4.

Then, we can acquire the required duration in minute Excel using the MINUTE() in the specified cells.

MINUTE Excel - Definition Example - 2

Thus, we see the target cells showing the output in format minute Excel.

The MINUTE Excel function in each target cell accepts the time value specified in the corresponding column A cell and the input. While it ignores the date, hours, and seconds parts of the input value, it returns the minutes part as the output.

Key Takeaways
  • The MINUTE Excelfunction accepts a time value. It then extracts the minutes part from the specified time value to return it as the required output.
  • The MINUTE function in Excel finds applications in minutes-based data manipulation, validation, and analysis.
  • The MINUTE function in Excel accepts one mandatory argument, serial_number, as the input.
  • We can apply the MINUTE function in Excel as a standalone function directly, from the Formulas tab, or through the VBA method Minute. On the other hand, utilizing it with other inbuilt functions, such as IF, TIME, and TIMEVALUE yields fruitful results.


The MINUTE Excel function syntax is as follows:

MINUTE Excel - Function Syntax


  • serial_number: The time value that includes the minutes we aim to determine, and the argument value is mandatory

Furthermore, be sure to follow the key points mentioned below to apply and utilize the MINUTE Excel function correctly.

  • We can enter the time value as a text string within double quotations (for instance, “10:20 AM”), as a decimal value (for instance, 0.43055, which is a decimal representation of 10:20 AM), or as the return value of another expression or function (for instance, the Excel TIMEVALUE function, TIMEVALUE(“10:20 AM”)).
  • The time value is a part of a date value and is represented by a decimal value (for instance, 12:00 PM is represented by the decimal value of 0.5, as it is half of one day). Thus, the MINUTE() helps convert an input value specified in decimal to minute Excel.

How To Use MINUTE Function In Excel?

We can apply the MINUTE Excel function in the following ways:

  1. Access the function from the Excel ribbon.
  2. Enter the function into the worksheet manually.

Method #1 – Access The Function From The Excel Ribbon

Select a cell for showcasing the result → The Formulas tab → The Date & Time function group down arrow → The MINUTE Excel function.

MINUTE Excel - Access the function from the Excel ribbon

Once the Function Arguments window appears, feed the function MINUTE Excel argument value.

MINUTE Excel - Function Arguments window

Finally, click OK to view the output the function MINUTE Excel returns in the target cell.

Method #2 – Enter The Function Into The Worksheet Manually

  1. Choose a cell to show the outcome.

  2. Type =MINUTE( in the cell.

    [ Alternatively, type =M or =MI and click the MINUTE Excel function twice from the suggestions to select it.]

  3. Supply the argument value and close the brackets.

  4. Press Enter to acquire the MINUTE Excel function return value.


The following illustrations describe the effective uses of the MINUTE Excel formula.

Example #1 – Using MINUTE Function To Pull Minutes From Time Value

The following dataset holds a list of time values in different formats.

MINUTE Excel Function - Example 1

The requirement is to extract minutes from the given time values and show the outcome in column C.

Then, we can implement the MINUTE Excelfunction in the target cells to secure the required result.

  • Step 1: Choose cell C2, enter the MINUTE(), and press Enter.


Example 1 - Step 1a

[ Alternatively, select the target cell and then Formulas à Date & Time à MINUTE Excelfunction.

Example 1 - Step 1b

Update the MINUTE() input value in the Function Arguments window, which appears on selecting the function.

 Example 1 - Step 1c

Finally, click OK to complete the action.]

MINUTE Excel Function - Example 1 - Step 2

The MINUTE() input value can be a cell reference to a time value, date value, date-time value, time value entered as a text or a time value entered as a decimal. In each case, the function determines the minutes part of the specified time value while ignoring the other components of the time value.

Example #2 – Combining TIME And MINUTE Functions In Excel

We have a list of time values in different Excel-recognized formats in column A.

MINUTE Excel Function - Example 2

We must list the revised time values in column B cells corresponding to the column A cells, with the hours value being 5 AM and the seconds value being 30 seconds. However, the minute values are based on the time values cited in the corresponding column A cells.

Then, we can apply the MINUTE Excel function with the Excel TIME function to determine the required output in each target cell.

  • Step 1: Select cell B2, enter the TIME() containing the MINUTE(), and press Enter.


 Example 2 - Step 1a

Next, using the fill handle, apply the formula to the rest of the target cells.

MINUTE Excel Function - Example 2 - Step 1b

Let us see the cell B5 formula to check its logic.

Firstly, we convert the specified decimal to minute Excel using the MINUTE(), which is 31 minutes. Next, the TIME() accepts 5 as the hour value, the MINUTE() output as the minute value, and 30 as the second value to return 05:31:30 AM as the required revised time value.

Example #3 – Computing Difference In Minutes

The following dataset shows a list of tasks’ start and end time values.

MINUTE Function in Excel - Example 3

We must compute the time difference in minutes for each task and show the output in column C cells C2:C4.

Then, we can show the required difference in duration in minute Excel using the MINUTE() in each target cell, as explained below:

  • Step 1: Choose cell C2, enter the following MINUTE(), and press Enter.


Example 3 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Apply the formula in the remaining target cells utilizing the fill handle.
Example 3 - Step 2

We shall check how the formula works in cell C4 as an example

First, the expression inside the MINUTE() subtracts the task end time from the task start time (considering their decimal equivalents) to return the value of 0.07599. Next, the MINUTE() extracts the minute part of the resulting time value of 0.07599 (1:49:26 AM), which is 49 minutes.

Example #4 – Using MINUTE Function In Excel With IF Statements

The source dataset lists the swipe-in times of five employees at a firm.

MINUTE Function in Excel - Example 4

We should determine the valid swipe-in times, with the validity condition being that the minutes in the time values must be equal to or less than 30 minutes. Further, if a swipe-in time is valid, the corresponding time value must show in the respective target cell in column B. Otherwise, the result should be a Hyphen symbol to represent an invalid swipe-in time.

Then, we can achieve the required format minute Excel from each specified time value using the MINUTE Excel function. Next, we can verify the required MINUTE function-based condition in each target cell using the Excel IF function.

  • Step 1: Select cell B2, enter the IF() containing the MINUTE(), and press Enter.


Example 4 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Use the Excel fill handle to update the expression in the remaining target cells.
Example 4 - Step 2

We shall see the cell B6 formula to understand its logic.

First, the MINUTE() in the IF() condition accepts the cell A6 time value. The MINUTE Excel returns 25, which is the minute part of the specified time value, as the output. Next, the IF() condition checks if the MINUTE() return value of 25 is below or equal to 30. Since the condition is true, the IF() returns the true value, which is the input time value in the time format hh:mm, 10:25 AM.

Important Things To Note

  • We can supply the time value to the MINUTE Excelfunction as a text string within double quotes, a decimal value, or as the output value of another expression or inbuilt Excel function.
  • When we have a time value as a part of a date, Excel considers it as a decimal number.
  • When the serial_number argument value supplied to the MINUTE function in Excel is invalid, the function output is the #VALUE! Excel error value.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Minute Excel function VBA?

The Minute Excel function VBA is the following:


The method extracts the minutes component from the specified time value.

For example, the dataset holds a list of time values in different formats.

Excel MINUTE Function - FAQ 1

We can use the Minute VBA method to determine the minutes in the given time values and display the outcome in the corresponding column B cells.

• Step 1: With the worksheet holding the given time values as the active spreadsheet, use Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor.

FAQ 1 - Step 1

• Step 2: Choose the active VBAProject and then the Module option in the Insert tab.

FAQ 1 - Step 2a

A blank module will appear.

FAQ 1 - Step 2b

• Step 3: Feed the code in the blank module to implement the MINUTE() in the specified cell.

FAQ 1 - Step 3

• Step 4: Choose the Play icon to execute the VBA code.

FAQ 1 - Step 4a

Finally, open the current worksheet to secure the required minute values in the target cells.

Excel MINUTE Function - FAQ 1 - Step 4b

2. What is the MINUTE function error?

The MINUTE function error is the #VALUE! error. It occurs when the supplied input value to the function is an invalid time.

3. Can you use MINUTE with date values?

You can use MINUTE with date values. The function will determine the minutes from the specified date value.

Download Template

This article must be helpful to understand MINUTE Excel, with its formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to MINUTE Excel Function. Here we learn the MINUTE function syntax and how to use it in Excel with examples and points to remember. You can learn more from the following articles –

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