SUMIF Between Two Dates In Google Sheets

What Is SUMIF Between Two Dates In Google Sheets?

SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google sheets is an inbuilt function used to find the sum between two dates in a given cell range. In the function, we need to insert the two dates along with a logical operator such as “>”, “<”, “<=”, “>=” to find the accurate total in Google sheets.

For example, consider the below table showing various date and sales in the respective centers (A, B, C, and D) respectively.

SUMIFS between two dates Definition 1

Now, let us learn how to find the total sales between the dates with the help of SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets.

The steps are:

Step 1: To begin with, we need to select the cell to insert the formula. In this example, we need to insert the formula in cell B11.

Step 2: Next, enter the formula, =SUMIFS(C2:C5,B2:B5,”>=”&B8,C2:C5,”<“&B9).

Step 3: Press Enter key.

We can see the total sales between the two dates in Google sheets as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Definition 1-1

Likewise, we can find the total sales between the two dates using SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets.

In this article, let us learn how to find the result using SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets.


SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets is an inbuilt function. The formula is

=SUMIFS(sum_range, date_range, “>=start_date”, date_range, “<=end_date”)


  • sum_range: This is a mandatory argument that indicates the cell range that we want to find the total or sum.
  • date_range: This is also a mandatory argument that shows the cell range of dates in the data.
  • start_date: This is one of the important arguments that specify the cell reference containing start date
  • end_date: This is also an important argument showing the cell reference containing the end date in the data.

SUMIF Between Two Dates Explained

We know that the SUM function in Google sheets helps users find the total or sum in a given cell range in a data. But we may get a scenario where we have to find the total between two specific period or dates. In such scenario, we need to use SUMIF between two dates Google sheets function.


Let us learn how to find the total or sum between the two specific dates in Google sheets using SUMIF Between Two Dates.

Example #1

For example, consider the below table showing the total sales of an organization in four locations based on directions (North, East, West, and South) along with the date and sales in columns A, B and C respectively.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1

Now, let us learn how to find the total sales between the specified start and end dates in the cells B8 and B9 with the help of SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets.

The steps are:

Step 1: To begin with, we need to select the cell to insert the formula. In this example, we need to insert the formula in cell B11.

Step 2: Next, insert the formula, =SUMIFS as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-1

Step 3: Now, enter the sum range. In this example, it is the sell range C2:C5.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-2

Step 4: Next, select the date range in the formula as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-3

Step 5: Now, enter the logical operator. Select the cell reference containing the start date as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-4

Step 6: Then, enter the date range. It will be as shown below.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-5

Step 7: Next, enter the logical operator. Do it along with & symbol with end date within double quotes as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-6

Step 8: Close the parenthesis and press Enter key.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-7

We can see the total sales between the two dates in Google sheets as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 1-8

Likewise, we can find the total sales between the two dates using SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets.

Example #2

For example, consider the below table showing the total sales of an organization in four quarters along with the date and sales in columns A, B and C respectively.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2

Now, let us learn how to find the total sales between the specified start and end dates in the cells B8 and B9 with the help of SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets.

The steps are:

Step 1: To begin with, we need to select the cell to insert the formula. In this example, we need to insert the formula in cell B11.

Step 2: Next, insert the formula, =SUMIFS as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-1

Step 3: Now, enter the sum range. In this example, it is the sell range C2:C5.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-2

Step 4: Next, select the date range in the formula as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-3

Step 5: Now, enter the logical operator. Then, select the cell reference containing the start date as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-4

Step 6: Then, enter the date range.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-5

Step 7: Next, enter the logical operator along with & symbol with end date within double quotes as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-6

Step 8: Close the parenthesis and press Enter key.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-7

We can see the total sales between the two dates in Google sheets as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 2-8

Likewise, we can find the total sales between the two dates using SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets.

Example #3

For example, consider the below table showing the total sales of an organization in four branches based on locations (North Carolina, Los Angeles, Florida and San Antonio) along with the date and sales in columns A, B and C respectively.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3

Now, let us learn how to find the total sales between the specified start and end dates in the cells B8 and B9 with the help of SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets.

The steps are:

Step 1: To begin with, we need to select the cell to insert the formula. In this example, we need to insert the formula in cell B11.

Step 2: Next, insert the formula, =SUMIFS as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-1

Step 3: Now, enter the sum range. In this example, it is the sell range C2:C5.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-2

Step 4: Next, select the date range in the formula as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-3

Step 5: Now, enter the logical operator. Select the cell reference containing the start date as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-4

Step 6: Then, enter the date range.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-5

Step 7: Next, enter the logical operator. Do this along with the & symbol with end date within double quotes as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-6

Step 8: Close the parenthesis and press Enter key.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-7

We can see the total sales between the two dates in Google sheets as shown in the below image.

SUMIFS between two dates Example 3-8

Likewise, we can find the total sales between the two dates using SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets.

Important Things To Note

  • SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google sheets finds the total between two specified dates.
  • This Google sheets function is the same as the function in Excel.
  • The formula of Google sheets SUMIF between two dates is =SUMIFS(sum_range, date_range, “>=start_date”, date_range, “<=end_date”) where all 4 arguments are mandatory.
  • sum_range indicates the cell range that we want to find the total or sum.
  • date_range shows the cell range of dates in the data.
  • start_date specifies the cell reference containing start date
  • end_date shows the cell reference containing the end date in the data.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is SUMIF Between Two Dates In Google Sheets?

1) Explain how to use SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets with an example.

For example, consider the below table showing various date and sales in the respective centers (A, B, C, and D) respectively.

SUMIF between two dates (FAQ) 1
Now, let us learn how to find the total sales between the dates with the help of SUMIF between two dates in Google sheets.

The steps are:
Step 1: To begin with, we need to select the cell to insert the formula. In this example, we need to insert the formula in cell B11.
Step 2: Next, enter the formula, =SUMIFS(C2:C5,B2:B5,”>=”&B8,C2:C5,”<“&B9).
Step 3: Press Enter key.
We can see the total sales between the two dates in Google sheets as shown in the below image.
SUMIF between two dates (FAQ) 1-1
Likewise, we can find the total sales between the two dates using SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets.

2) What are some points to remember while using SUMIF Between two dates Google sheets function?

We need to remember the following points when using SUMIF between two dates Google sheets function. They are:

• The function deals mostly with the dates and thus, we need to enter the dates in the correct format.
• Logical operators should also be used correctly

3) What is the format to enter date in Google sheets SUMIF between two dates?

Users should make sure to select the cell range and date range according to the arguments in the formula.
Then, the logical operator should be included in double quotes only.
Ensure to insert the & symbol within double quotes in the right place.

Download Template

This article must help understand SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google sheets with its formulas and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

Guide to SUMIF Between Two Dates in Google Sheets. Here we explain how to use it to find the sum between two days with detailed examples. You can learn more from the following articles. –

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