What Is DMAX Function In Excel?
The DMAX function in Excel is a powerful data analysis tool that enables users to retrieve the maximum value from a range of cells based on specific criteria. Unlike other functions like MAX or MIN, DMAX allows for conditional filtering, making it particularly useful when dealing with large datasets. To utilize DMAX, one must set up a database table with headers and input relevant criteria within the table.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of this particular function, let us delve into a simple example that will elucidate its usage. To apply the DMAX function in Excel, please follow the instructions: Start by selecting cell D2. Enter the formula =DMAX(A1:B6, B1, B2:B6).

Upon executing the formula, we will obtain the desired maximum value of 4,76,83,474, as exemplified below.

DMAX() Excel Formula

database = This is a mandatory argument. It refers to a range of cells that contain related data, where the first row displays the label for each column in the database.
field = This is also a mandatory argument. It represents the specific column within the database that needs to be checked for the maximum numeric value based on the specified criteria.
criteria = Another mandatory argument, criteria refers to the range of cells that contain the conditions used to determine the output of the DMAX() function.
Table of contents
Key Takeaways
- DMAX in Excel function proves invaluable when performing complex analyses or identifying outliers within datasets, providing professionals with a reliable tool to extract valuable insights and make informed decisions based on their data.
- We must note that the DMAX function in Excel requires three main arguments: the database, the field to evaluate, and the criteria range that determines which records are considered.
- Once these parameters are defined, Excel will examine the data and return the maximum value that matches the specified criteria.
How To Use DMAX Excel Function? (With Steps)
#1 – Access To TDIST From The Excel Ribbon
- Choose the empty cell which will contain the result.
- Go to the Formulas tab and click it.
- Select the Insert Function option from the menu.
- Select the Database option from the category in the Insert Function window.
- Select the DMAX option from the drop-down menu.

- A window called Function Arguments appears.
- As the number of arguments, enter the value in the database, field, and criteria.
- Select OK.

#2 – Enter The Worksheet Manually
Select an empty cell for the output.
Type =D ( in the cell. Alternatively, type =D and double-click and then the DMAX function from the list of suggestions shown by Excel.
Press the Enter key.
Example #1
Let us comprehend the functionality of this function through a simple example.
Our objective is to identify and present the highest height among a group of 6 children in the provided database. The initial table represents the database, which includes a compilation of children and their corresponding height data. Subsequently, the second table verifies the desired maximum value.
To apply the DMAX function in Excel, follow these steps:
Step 1: Begin by selecting cell E2 and entering the formula.

Step 2: Enter the formula =DMAX(A1:C6), which represents the database range, including the column headings. Proceed to enter the field value as C1. The updated formula will now be =DMAX(A1:C6, C1).
Step 3: Next, input the criteria as “C2:C6”, ensuring to close the brackets. Press the “Enter” key. The complete formula will be =DMAX(A1:C6,C1,C2:C6).

Step 4: As a result, we will obtain the value of 62, as shown below.

Example #2
Let us gain a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of this particular function through a simple example.
First, we have to identify and present the sales of kid’s toys in the provided database. The initial table represents the database, which includes a compilation of children’s toy data. Subsequently, the second table verifies the desired maximum value.
To apply the DMAX function in Excel, please follow these steps:
Step 1: First, select cell D2 and entering the formula.

Step 2: Enter the formula =DMAX(A1:B6), which represents the range of the database, including the column headings. Proceed to enter the field value as B1. The updated formula will now be =DMAX(A1:B6, B1).
Step 3: Next, input the criteria as B2:B6, ensuring to close the brackets. Press the Enter key to finalize the formula. The complete formula will be =DMAX(A1:B6, B1, B2:B6).

Step 4: As a result, we will obtain the value of $93,67,161, as illustrated below.

Example #3
Consider the below example.
Our primary objective is to identify and present the Smartphone’s Popularity in the provided database. The initial table represents the database, which includes a compilation of popularity data. Subsequently, the second table verifies the desired maximum value.
To apply the DMAX function in Excel, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Begin by selecting cell D2 and entering the formula.

Step 2: Enter the formula =DMAX(A1:B6), which represents the range of the database, including the column headings. Proceed to enter the field value as B1. The updated formula will now be =DMAX(A1:B6, B1).
Step 3: Next, input the criteria as B2:B6, ensuring to close the brackets. Press the Enter key to finalize the formula. The complete formula will be =DMAX(A1:B6, B1, B2:B6).

Step 4: As a result, we will obtain the value of 52%, as shown below.

Important Things To Note
- The DMAX function in Excel is used to examine a specific field within a database and identify the largest numeric value based on the specified criteria.
- Furthermore, it is important to note that the return value of the DMAX() function is always a numeric value.
- The criteria argument for the DMAX function can accept various types of inputs, including numeric values, text, or expressions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
To utilize the DMAX function in Excel, follow the below instructions: Begin by selecting cell D2. Proceed to enter the formula =DMAX(A1:B4, B1, B2:B4).
Upon using the formula, we will obtain the desired maximum value of 14, as shown below.
• Firstly, ensure that the database range specified in the function’s arguments is correct and valid. This means double-checking that the range covers all required data and does not include any unnecessary rows or columns.
• Secondly, carefully select the criteria range and criteria field within the function, as these parameters determine which records will be considered for calculation. Please make sure they accurately match our intended selection criteria.
• Additionally, pay attention to the order of values within our database range as DMAX operates based on sorted ascending or descending order, depending on our choice.
• Firstly, DMAX works only with databases or lists organized as tables, which means the data must be in rows and columns with unique headers.
• Additionally, the criteria used for extracting the maximum value must be provided within a separate range or table that matches the structure of the main data table.
• Moreover, DMAX can only return a single result at a time and does not work well with datasets that are constantly changing or being updated.
Download Template
This article must help understand the DMAX function in Excel formulas and examples. We can download the template here to use it instantly.
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