Google Sheets Rows vs Columns

Difference Between Google Sheets Rows vs Columns

Google Sheets Rows refer to the range of cells from left to right horizontally, while columns refer to the range of vertical cells from top to bottom. We refer to a cell as a row and column combination. Columns are identified with alphabets starting from the letter A and moving in alphabetical order towards the right. The first column is A, and subsequent columns are B, C, etc. Regarding rows, they are numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc. A sheet can have a maximum of 10 million cells. You can create any combination of rows and columns of up to 10 million.

In the sheet below, you can observe the rows, columns, and cells. Rows and columns work act as coordinates to help us identify cells. We usually write the order of a cell as column + row.

For instance, cell B3 means the cell where Column B and Row 3 coincide.


What are Google Sheets Rows?

In Google Sheets rows vs columns, rows refer to the group of horizontal cells, each of which has a number on the leftmost side. They are a fundamental part of a spreadsheet. To find the row number of a row in Google Sheets, we can use the ROWS function. Some interesting things which can be done with a row include:

Insert/delete rows: To do this, right-click on any row number.

Freeze: You can freeze a particular row to make it visible even when you scroll a lot. For this, use the option “View” > “Freeze” > “Up to current row.”


Filters: You can use filters to view rows based only on specific criteria. For this, just click on the Filter icon in the Google Toolbar.


Conditional Formatting: You can apply conditional formatting to rows under Format -> Conditional Formatting.


You can also set certain rules when entering data in a row using Data validation. Go to Data -> Data validation.

What are Google Sheets Columns?

In Google Sheets, columns are the vertical cells that form a range. They are identified using the alphabets A,B,C, etc.

To insert a column, you have to right-click on the particular column’s alphabet and choose Insert 1 column left” or “Insert 1 column right.” To delete a column, choose “Delete Column.”


Some of the other features with a column include:

Conditional Formatting: From Format – Conditional Formatting, you can change the size, color, and other formatting options for columns.

Filtering: Click the filter icon in the Google toolbar to filter data based on specific criteria.

Freeze: Similar to rows, you can also freeze columns.

Data Validation: It is performed similar to how it is done in rows. You can use Data -> Data Validation to validate the entries in a column. 0



Examples of Rows and Columns

Example of columns

Let us look at a basic example where we format the rows for negative values. In the sheet below, we have the temperature in a city for the weeks in the month of December in Column A.


Step 1: To apply formatting and segregate the positive and negative temperatures in Column B, let us go to Format-Number and then scroll down to choose “Custom Number Format.”


Step 2: Here, you get various options to separate the positive and negative numbers in Column B. Select the required option where you want to apply and click “Apply.”


Step 3: Check how the positive and negative values have been segregated according to the format specified(negative numbers in brackets).


Example of rows

The table below has data organized in rows. Let’s try to filter the rows by specific criteria.


Step 1:  When you want to use a Google Sheets filter, select the rows. You select entire rows or click a single cell in the range and turn the filter on. It will select the entire rows automatically. Once you select the filter, select any of the required options.


Step 2: Select the filter by Condition option. Now, enter the value 65.


Step 3: Now, observe how the rows have been filtered.


How to switch Rows and Columns in Google Sheets?

In Google Sheets, we use the TRANSPOSE function to switch the position of rows and columns in a table. It is a commonly used technique in Google Sheets that changes the position of rows and columns, i.e., rows become columns, and columns become rows. Let us look at how to implement this


Step 1: Type “=TRANSPOSE(” in cell B1. Then, type the range of cells with the data that you want to transpose. Here, we enter A1:A5. Close the braces as shown.


Step 2: Press Enter. Your data will be transposed.


To transpose multiple columns and rows in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

Type “=TRANSPOSE(” and enter the entire range of cells.

Press “Enter” on the keyboard, and your data will be transposed. Your formula will look like this: =TRANSPOSE(A1:C6)

Paste Transposed Option

In Google Sheets, you can switch rows and columns using the paste transposed option.

  • To transpose paste, first select your current range and press Ctrl + C.
  • Go to the target range. Go to Edit -> Paste Special -> Transposed and click on it.
  • You can find your rows and columns swapped.

Google Sheets Rows vs Columns – Key Differences

Here are the main differences between Rows and Columns


  1. A row is a series of horizontal cells in a table or spreadsheet.
  2. Rows are arranged from left to right.
  3. In  Google Sheets, each row heading is indicated by numbers.   
  4. Each row is used to represent individual records.
  5. Rows can be adjusted for height.
  1. Generally, we enter data in rows.
  2. The ROWS function in Google Sheets specifies the number of rows in a given range. For example, =ROWS(A1:B5) gives 5.
  3. The ROW function in Google Sheets specifies the row number of a particular cell. For instance, =ROW(A2) gives 2.


  1. Columns are vertical sections of cells in a spreadsheet.
  2. They are arranged from top to bottom.
  3. They are identified by letters (A, B, C, etc.).
  4. Each column represents specific attributes or categories of data.
  5. Columns can be resized for width.
  6. The COLUMNS function in Google Sheets specifies the number of columns in each range. For example, =COLUMNS(A1:B5) gives 2.
  7. The COLUMN function in Google Sheets specifies the column number of a particular cell. For instance, =COLUMN(A2) gives 1.

Google Sheets Rows vs Columns Comparative Table

Here’s an exhaustive comparative table highlighting the differences between rows and columns in Google Sheets:

OrientationRows are arranged horizontally (as 1, 2, 3, …)Columns are arranged vertically (lettered A, B, C, …)
IdentificationWe identify rows using numbersWe identify columns using letters
RepresentationRows represent individual records.Columns represent different attributes
OrganizationData is organized horizontally.Data is organized vertically.
Selecting an entire row/columnTo select an entire row, click on its number.To select an entire column, click on its letter.
Data EntryData is often entered as each rowData is usually not entered column wise.
SortingWe can sort entire rows based on column dataData can be sorted by individual columns.
FilterWe can apply filters to rows based on certain criteriaFilters are applied to rows based in column values.
Size adjustmentHeight can be adjustedWidth can be adjusted
Visual RepresentationHorizontal layout can emphasize time or sequenceVertical layout can emphasize categories
Hide/UnhideYou can hide/unhide rowsYou can hide/unhide columns
Default BehaviorNew data entries often default to new rowsNew data entries often default to new columns
NavigationNavigate through rows using the left and right arrow keysNavigate through columns using the up and down arrow keys
Freeze optionRows can be frozen to keep headers visibleColumns can be frozen to keep categories visible

Download Template

This article must help understand Google Sheets Rows vs Columns with its formulas and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

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