What is BETAINV Excel Function?
The BETAINV Excel function calculates the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density and is categorized under Statistical functions. The BETAINV function requires four arguments: the probability value of alpha, two shape parameters, alpha, and beta, that define the shape of the distribution curve, and the logical value uses a cumulative distribution function (CDF) instead of a regular probability density function (PDF).
Please find below an illustrative example that demonstrates the functionality of the BETAINV Excel function. The table provides the values of probability, alpha, beta, A, and B.

To utilize the BETAINV function, begin by selecting cell B6. Enter the formula provided below into cell B6:
=BETAINV(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)
After applying the formula, the resulting value is 4.6838, as shown in the accompanying image.

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
- The BETAINV function in Excel is used to calculate the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for a given probability of a beta distribution. It helps determine the input value that corresponds to a desired probability in a beta distribution.
- The BETAINV Excel function takes four arguments: probability, alpha, beta, and optional lower and upper bounds.
- Professionals who use the BETAINV Excel function can make informed decisions, assess risks, or estimate confidence levels when working with data sets involving probabilities or continuous variables in fields such as finance, quality control, or marketing research.

- Probability – This is the mandatory argument. This is to determine the value of x, we need to consider the probability of the Beta distribution.
- Alpha – This is the mandatory argument. This parameter of the distribution should be greater than 0.
- Beta – This is the mandatory argument. This parameter of the distribution should be greater than 0.
- [A] – This is an optional argument. This gives the lower bound of the value x. In this, the default value is 0.
- [B] – This is an optional argument. This gives the upper bound of the value x. In this, the default value is 1.
How To Use the BETAINV Function in Excel?
To effectively utilize the BETAINV function in Excel, follow these steps.
#1 – Access from the Excel Ribbon
Step 1: Choose an empty cell in which we will enter the formula. Now, in the Formulas tab, select the “More Functions” option from the menu.

Step 2: Select the “Statistical” option from the drop-down list. Select “BETAINV” from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: A window called “Function Arguments” appears. Enter all the values for the arguments. Select OK.

#2 – Enter the Worksheet Manually
Type “=BETAINV()” in any cell in an Excel worksheet. Alternatively, type “=B” and double-click the BETAINV function from the list of suggestions shown by Excel.

Step 2: Enter the required values and press the “Enter” key to get the result.

Example #1
In order to acquire a thorough comprehension of the BETAINV Excel function, which is utilized to calculate the value of the Inverse Cumulative Beta Distribution for a given probability of 0.1, let us delve into an illustrative example.

To execute the BETAINV function, let’s look into the following steps:
Step 1: Let’s start the calculation by selecting cell B6, where we’ll enter the formula.
Step 2: Please input the complete Beta inverse formula in the designated cell:

=BETAINV(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)
Step 3: The final outcome, along with a visual representation, will be shown in cell B6, as shown in the image below.

Example #2
To comprehend the BETAINV Excel function, which determines the value of the Inverse Cumulative Beta Distribution for a specific probability of 0.2, let us look at a captivating example.

To optimize the utilization of the function, it is essential to adhere to the following steps:
Step 1: Select cell B6 to enter the formula.
Step 2: Enter the complete beta inverse formula into the cell.
=BETAINV(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)

Step 3: The calculated value, accompanied by a corresponding graph, will be displayed in cell B6, mirroring the illustration provided below.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to calculate the value of the Inverse Cumulative Beta Distribution accurately using the BETAINV function in Excel.
Example #3
In this example, we will check the functionality of the BETAINV Excel function. We will be working with three specific probabilities: 0.3, 0.2, and 0.1. By using the BETA inverse, we can compare the results for different values of probability, alpha, beta, A, and B. Now, let’s dive into an example to understand better how it all works.

To employ the BETAINV Excel function, follow these steps:
Step 1: Initiate the calculation process by selecting cell B6 to enter the formula.
Step 2: Input the complete beta inverse formula into the cell.
=BETAINV(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)

Step 3: Once the calculations are complete, the result values will be entered, accompanied by a graphical representation. You will see in the cells B6 to D6, just like the image below.

Important Things to Note
- The BETAINV Excel function will generate a #VALUE! Error value if any of the arguments provided are non-numeric.
- If the alpha value is equal to or less than zero, or the beta value is equal to or less than zero, the BETAINV Excel function will return the #NUM! Error value.
- If the probability falls below zero or exceeds one, the function will produce the #NUM! Error value.
- When the values for A and B are not specified, BETAINV automatically employs the standard cumulative beta distribution. In this scenario, A is assigned a value of 0, while B is assigned a value of 1.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The purpose of using the BETAINV function is to calculate the inverse of the beta cumulative distribution function (CDF) for a set of parameters. This function is particularly useful in statistical analysis and hypothesis testing. It can help professionals assess the event occurring within a specified range based on historical data or assumed probabilities.
The new function name for the BETAINV Excel function is the BETA.INV Excel function.
The #VALUE! error occurs, which indicates that one or more input arguments are non-numeric or invalid. It could be due to improper formatting or using inappropriate values for parameters such as alpha, beta, x, or y.
A #NUM! error occurs when the BETAINV function cannot calculate a valid result. It occurs if the input numbers are not within the acceptable range or if the function fails to reach a solution.
In the following illustrative example, we will examine the reasons behind the occurrence of #NUM! and #VALUE! Errors while utilizing the BETAINV Excel function. The table showcases the values of probability, alpha, beta, A, and B.
To use the formula, select cells B6 and C6 and input the formula. The complete formula to be entered in cells B6 is:
=BETAINV(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)
In C6, it is =BETAINV(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)
The resulting value is the #NUM! Error and the #VALUE! Error, as depicted in the accompanying image.
Download Template
This article must help us understand the BETAINV Excel Function’s formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.
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