Count Colored Cells In Excel

What Is Count Colored Cells In Excel?

Count Colored Cells is a feature in Microsoft Excel that allows users to easily count the number of cells containing specific colors. It is especially useful for data analysis, as it offers a quick and easy way to create charts and graphs based on color-coded information. The function can be accessed through the Conditional Formatting menu by selecting the Cells with Specific Fill Color option, which enables users to choose from a wide range of colors and shades.

Let us now analyze the data provided in this example. The data is distinguished by different colors, which prompts us to determine the number of cells based on their respective colors.

First, we must filter the dataset, allowing us to manipulate the data more efficiently.

Count Colored Cells In Excel Intro

To access the SUBTOTAL function, click on the drop-down list filter and select the Choose by Color option. We can choose any color; for this example, we have selected yellow.

Moving to the bottom section of the dataset, we will utilize the SUBTOTAL function in Excel. This function encompasses a range of extremely useful formulas when we want to count, sum, or average only the visible cell data.

Enter the formula =SUBTOTAL(103, A2:A4). Press Enter key.

We can see the result in cell B6.

Count Colored Cells In Excel Intro - Output
Key Takeaways
  • Count Colored Cells works by counting the number of cells in a selected range that meet specific criteria, such as being filled with a certain color or containing certain text or values.
  • The font color of a colored cell in Excel remains fully identifiable as a colored cell when counted or analyzed using formulas or conditional formatting rules based on its original fill color.
  • The SUBTOTAL function incorporates multiple formulas to calculate results exclusively for visible cells when applying a filter.
  • Excel does not offer any built-in function to count cells based on their color.

Top 3 Methods To Count Colored Cells In Excel

When working with large datasets in Excel, it can be challenging to identify and count cells highlighted with specific colors quickly. There are several methods available to streamline this process. This article will explore Excel’s top three methods for counting-colored cells.

  • Method #1: Using Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is a powerful tool in Excel that allows users to apply formatting to cells based on specific criteria. By using conditional formatting to highlight cells with specific colors, users can use the COUNTIF function to count the number of cells that meet the criteria.

  • Method #2: Using VBA Code

For more advanced users, VBA code can count colored cells in Excel. This method involves writing a custom macro that searches for cells with specific colors and returns the count. While this method requires some programming knowledge, it can be highly effective for complex datasets.

  • Method #3: Using a Third-Party Add-In

Finally, several third-party add-ins are available to simplify the counting of colored cells in Excel. These add-ins typically offer a user-friendly interface and a range of customization options, making them an excellent choice for users uncomfortable with VBA code.

#1 – Excel Count Colored Cells By Using Auto Filter Option

Let us now examine the data provided in this example. The data is distinguished by various colors, prompting us to determine the number of cells based on their colors.

Upon careful observation, we can discern the presence of multiple colors within the dataset. Consequently, we must select the specific color that we wish to filter.

To effectively count cells by color, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Initially, we must apply the filter to the dataset, enabling us to manipulate the data more efficiently.

Count Colored Cells In Excel - Auto Filter - Step 1

Step 2: To access the SUBTOTAL function, click the drop-down list filter and opt for the Choose by Color option. Choose any color, as we have chosen yellow color.

Count Colored Cells In Excel - Auto Filter - Step 2

Step 3: At the lowermost section of the dataset, we need to employ the SUBTOTAL function in Excel. This function encompasses a range of formulas that prove invaluable when we desire to solely count, sum, or average the visible cell data.

Enter the formula =SUBTOTAL(102, D2:D4), and press Enter key. We can see the result in cell E10.

Count Colored Cells In Excel - Auto Filter - Step 3

#2 – Excel Count Colored Cells By Using VBA Code

To count colored cells by VBA code, we write a user-defined function. It should have two arguments, Range and Cell color. Let us look at how we can implement the same.

Step 1: First, we use Alt + F11 and open a VBE window. Next, we open a new module by clicking Insert –> Module.

Count Colored Cells In Excel - VBA Code - Step 1

Step 2: Create a new function called GetCountColor.

Function GetCountColor(CellRange As Range, CountCellColor As Range)

Step 3: Declare two integers, CountColor and CountTotal.

Dim CountColorValue As Integer

Dim TotalCount As Integer

Step 4: Next, we get the value of the interior color using the Interior.ColorIndex property and set the range.

CountColorValue = CountCellColor.Interior.ColorIndex

Set rRange = CellRange

Step 5: Use a FOR loop to loop through the cells and get the count of cells by color.

For Each rRange In CellRange
If rRange.Interior.ColorIndex = CountColorValue Then
TotalCount = TotalCount + 1
End If
Next rRange
GetCountColor = TotalCount
End Function

Let us look at the entire code:

Function GetCountColor(CellRange As Range, CountCellColor As Range)
Dim CountColorValue As Integer
Dim TotalCount As Integer
CountColorValue = CountCellColor.Interior.ColorIndex
Set rRange = CellRange
For Each rRange In CellRange
If rRange.Interior.ColorIndex = CountColorValue Then
TotalCount = TotalCount + 1
End If
Next rRange
GetCountColor = TotalCount
End Function

Step 6: Now, let us try to count the red cells. So, we enter Red in D1. We also enter the range of cells where we want to count the color cells. Insert the following formula in cell D2 of our worksheet.


Count Colored Cells In Excel - VBA Code - Step 6

We get the number of red cells as shown below.

Count Colored Cells In Excel - VBA Code - Output

#3 – Excel Count Colored Cells By Using FIND Method

In addition to the FIND method, we can count cells based on this approach.

Step 1: To begin, we need to select the range of cells where we want to count.

Find Method - Step 1

Step 2: Press Ctrl + F. It will open the FIND dialog box.

Count Colored Cells In Excel - Find Method - Step 2.jpg

Step 3: Now, click Options>> to access further settings.

Step 4: This action will expand the Find dialog box. Here, we need to click on the Format option.

Step 5: As a result, the Find Format dialog box will appear. Click on the Choose Format from Cell option.

Step 6: Now, move the mouse pointer to select the desired format cell in Excel that we want to count.

Find Method - Step 6

Step 7: Select the cell that is formatted as the desired cell count. In this case, we have chosen cell F2 as the desired cell format, and a preview is displayed.

Step 8: Click the Find All option to obtain the cells count with the selected formatting.

Find Method - Step 8

Important Things To Note

  • Count Colored Cells is a powerful tool that can save time and improve efficiency during data analysis, ultimately helping businesses make better decisions based on accurate and comprehensive information.
  • The provided VBA code is not a Subprocedure in VBA but a User-Defined Function (UDF).
  • With a proper understanding and utilization of Excel’s tools and features for managing large data sets, users can effectively navigate color counting and analysis issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a limit on the number of colors that can be counted using this method in Excel?

Excel’s color counting method is based on the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model. Excel can recognize up to 16 million colors, and there is no limit on the number of colors that can be counted using this method.
For example, let us determine the number of cells based on their respective colors.
To begin, filter the dataset, to manipulate the data more efficiently.


Next, click on the drop-down list filter and select the Choose by Color option. In this example, let us select yellow.

Now, enter the formula =SUBTOTAL(102, A2:A4) in cell B7.
Press Enter key.

We can find the result in cell B7.

Count colored cells in Excel

2. Will changing the cell’s font color affect its ability to be counted as a colored cell in Excel?

Changing the font color of a cell in Excel does not affect its ability to be counted as a colored cell. The fill color and font color are two separate attributes in Excel. Changing the font color only modifies the text within the cell, whereas changing the fill color changes the background color of the entire cell.

3. What are the benefits of the number of colors that can be counted using this method in Excel?

The benefits of counting colored cells in Excel are:
We can provide a comprehensive and organized visual representation of data.
Users can easily distinguish and analyze different elements within a dataset by utilizing different colors to code various information or categories.
We can efficiently track data and compare as it enables users to track changes, identify trends, or detect anomalies based on color-coded cells.

Download Template

This article must help understand Count Colored Cells in Excel formulas and examples. We can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to Count Colored Cells In Excel. Here we count the colored cells using 3 different methods with examples and downloadable template. You may learn more from the following articles –

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