Excel Alternate Row Color

What Is Excel Alternate Row Color?

Excel Alternate Row Color refers to a feature in Microsoft Excel that allows users to apply different colors to alternate rows within a spreadsheet. This feature enhances data’s visual appeal and readability by clearly distinguishing rows. For example, consider the below table. We will learn how to apply alternate row color in Excel.

Step 1: First, select the specific data or range where we wish to apply color to the rows.

Next, click on the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon. Here, we will find the Table option, which grants access to the function.

Excel Alternate Row Color Intro

Step 2: Next, a dialog box will appear. Here, choose the range we want to work with. Then, click OK. This action will create a table in Excel with alternate row colors.

Excel Alternate Row Color Intro - Output
Key Takeaways
  • Excel Alternate Row Color helps users to apply different colors to alternate rows in a spreadsheet.
  • To ensure optimal readability of the data in the Excel worksheet, it is advisable to employ dark colors for the text.
  • To print the Excel sheet, using a light or appropriate color shade to highlight the rows is essential, facilitating easy readability.
  • It is imperative that we refrain from utilizing the excessive conditional formatting feature in our data, as it leads to confusion.
  • To remove alternate row color in Excel, we can click on Home > Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules and select Clear Rules from Selected Cells.

How To Add Alternate Row Color In Excel?

To add alternate row color in Excel, we can follow a simple process that ensures our data is visually appealing and organized. Start by selecting the range of cells or the table where we want to apply this formatting.

Then, go to the Home tab on the Excel ribbon and locate the Styles group. Click on Conditional Formatting and choose New Rule. In the dialog box, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format option and enter =MOD(ROW(),2)=0 in the formula field for coloring even rows or =MOD(ROW(),2)<>0 for odd rows.

Next, click Format and choose our desired formatting attributes, such as font color, background color, borders, etc. Finally, hit OK to confirm our selections and observe how Excel automatically applies alternate row colors based on the formula we provided.

#1 – Add Alternative Row Color Using Excel Table Styles

Adding alternative row colors using Excel table styles is a useful feature that allows users to enhance the readability and organization of their data. Applying different background colors to alternate rows makes it easier to differentiate between each record, especially when dealing with large datasets. 

#2 – Highlight Alternate Row Color Using Excel Conditional Formatting

Highlighting alternate row colors using Excel conditional formatting is an effective way to enhance and organize data in a spreadsheet visually. Applying this technique makes it easier for users to differentiate between rows and navigate through large sets of information effortlessly. This feature can be particularly useful when working with lengthy tables or datasets, as it allows for quick identification of individual records, improving overall readability.

Benefits Of Using Excel Alternate Row Colors

Using Excel alternate row colors can greatly enhance the readability and organization of a spreadsheet, leading to improved efficiency and productivity. By applying different background colors to alternating rows, important data becomes visually distinguishable, reducing eye strain and minimizing errors. This feature is especially beneficial when dealing with large and complex spreadsheets. It allows professionals to quickly identify patterns or anomalies in the data, enabling better decision-making and analysis. Moreover, using alternate row colors lends a professional touch to the spreadsheet. Users can easily track their position and find specific information more efficiently. 


Example #1

For example, we will apply the set of showing below the Alternate Row Color feature in Excel.

Step 1: First, we have to select the desired data or range where we intend to apply color to a row.

Step 2: Next, proceed to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon and click Table to access the corresponding function.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 1 - Step 2

Step 3: Upon clicking Table, a dialog box will appear. Here, we can select the range. After selecting the range, click OK.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 1 - Step 3

Step 4: However, we can easily convert the table back to a standard range if we prefer alternate column shading without the table functionality. To do so, select any cell within the table, right-click, and choose Convert to Range from the context menu.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 1 - Step 4

Step 5: Select the table or data and click on the Design tab. Within the table style options, please choose the desired color for the table as per our selection.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 1 - Step 5

Example #2

For instance, let us use the application of the Alternate Row Color feature in Excel.

Step 1: Select the desired data or range within the Excel sheet.

Step 2: Next, go to the Home tab and locate the Styles group. Click on the option for conditional formatting in the Excel ribbon.

Step 3: From the Excel drop-down list, choose a New Rule.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 2 - Step 3

Step 4: In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select the option at the bottom that states, Use a formula to determine which cells to format. Then, insert the following formula in a tab to obtain the desired result: =MOD(ROW(),2)=0

Step 5: Click the Format button on the right-hand side. This will open a new window where we can switch to the Fill tab. Here, we can choose the background color that we wish to use for the banded rows in the Excel sheet.

Step 6: We can see the selected color under the Sample section at the bottom of the dialog box. If we are satisfied with the color, click OK to confirm our choice.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 2 - Step 6

Step 7: Once we click OK, we will be returned to the New Formatting Rule window within the Excel sheet. Click OK again to apply the chosen color to the alternate rows of the specified range. Finally, click OK to complete the process.

We will now see the alternate row color in Excel.

Excel Alternate Row Color - Example 2 - Step 7

Important Things To Note

  • The Excel Alternate Row Color feature allows users to easily highlight alternate rows, thereby facilitating the identification of data.
  • This feature proves to be particularly useful in enhancing data visibility and organization. 
  • When utilizing the conditional formula, it is imperative to input the formula correctly in the designated tab. Failure to do so will result in the inability to apply row coloring.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any drawbacks in alternate row colors in Excel?

It can be time-consuming to manually apply this formatting to large datasets
When sorting or filtering data, the alternate row color may not adjust dynamically, resulting in a visually distorted view of the information.
Compatibility issues may arise if multiple users collaborate on the same document with different settings or versions of Excel.

2. Can I customize the colors used for the alternating rows?

Yes, it is possible to customize the colors used for the alternating rows in many software applications. It is useful with large data sets, as it enhances readability and helps users distinguish between different rows more easily. Users can create visually appealing spreadsheets that suit their preferences or align with their brand identity.

3. How do I remove or reset the alternate row color formatting?

First, select the desired data and select Home tab > Styles group. Click on the option for conditional formatting in the Excel ribbon.

From the Excel drop-down list, choose a New Rule.


In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select the option Use a formula to determine which cells to format. Then, insert the formula =MOD(ROW(),2)=0

Click the Format button on the right-hand side. A new window opens.
Choose the desired background color. The selected color will be displayed under the Sample section at the bottom of the dialog box. Click OK to confirm our choice.

Once you click OK, you will be returned to the New Formatting Rule window within the Excel sheet. Click OK again to apply the chosen color to the alternate rows of the mentioned range. Finally, click OK to complete the process. You will now see the alternate row color in Excel, highlighted as yellow.

Excel Alternate Row Color

Download Template

This article must help understand Excel Alternate Row Color formulas and examples. We can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to Excel Alternate Row Color. We explain how to add alternate color to row using Table Styles, and conditional formatting with examples and points to remember. You can learn more from the following articles –

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