Rows And Columns In Excel

What Are Rows And Columns In Excel?

The Rows and Columns in Excel form the tabular format of the software. They run horizontally and vertically across the worksheet, with each row and column intersection point forming a Cell. And while rows are denoted by numbers, columns are denoted by headers containing alphabets.

Users will find the Rows and Columns in a worksheet useful when presenting and analyzing data professionally. Also, the Rows and Columns make adding, deleting, and editing data in a spreadsheet easier.

For example, the image below shows a dataset in a worksheet.

Rows and Columns in Excel - 1

The horizontal rows 1 to 11 and the vertical columns A and B form the cells of the dataset at their intersections.

Rows and Columns in Excel - 2

And we can use the remaining number of Rows and Columns in Excel, which are available adjacent to the dataset, to append more data to it.

Key Takeaways
  • The Rows and Columns in Excel are the main features that create a worksheet. They run horizontally from top to bottom and vertically from left to right, giving the tabular format to the sheet. And when a Row and Column intersect, they form a Cell.
  • Users can use the Rows and Columns in a worksheet to make the spreadsheet data professional and more presentable. Also, the Rows and Columns make data editing more straightforward.
  • We can check the Gridlines option box in the View tab to ensure we can view the Rows and Columns in the worksheet.
  • In a workbook, we can insert, delete, hide, resize, move, copy, and group Rows and Columns.

Examples Of Rows And Columns In Excel

The following examples show the difference between Rows and Columns in Excel based on the ways one can use and work with them.

But first, let us understand the basic elements of rows, columns, and cells.

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Example #1 – Rows of Excel

Excel contains a fixed number of rows, 1048576, with the row numbers displayed on the left side of the worksheet.

And when the Name Box in excel displays a selected or current cell address, the digit in the address indicates the cell’s row number. In other words, we will find the chosen cell in the row specified in the address.

Furthermore, as the rows run horizontally across the worksheet from top to bottom, we need to scroll up and down to navigate from one row to the other. And for that, we can use the Vertical Scroll Bar on the right end of the worksheet or the Up and Down Arrow keys from the keyboard.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 1 - 1
Example 1 - 2

And while choosing consecutive rows, click the left button of the mouse. And then, drag the cursor on the row numbers to select the entire rows.

However, when selecting the non-contiguous rows, click the first row number to choose the entire row in the set of rows in question. Next, press the Ctrl key and click on the remaining row numbers to select the required entire rows.

Example #2 – Column of Excel

Excel contains a fixed number of columns, 16384. And the column names A to XFD appear on the top of the worksheet.

And when the Name Box displays a selected or current cell address, the alphabets in the address indicate the cell’s column name. In other words, we will find the chosen cell in the column specified in the address.

Furthermore, as the columns run vertically across the worksheet from left to right, we need to scroll left and right to navigate from one column to the other. And for that, we can use the Horizontal Scroll Bar in excel at the bottom right of the worksheet or the Left and Right Arrow keyboard keys.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 2 - 1
Example 2 - 2

And while choosing consecutive columns, click the left button of the mouse. And then, drag the cursor on the column names to select the required entire columns.

However, when selecting the non-contiguous columns, click the first column name to choose the entire column in the set of columns. Next, press the Ctrl key and click on the remaining column headings to select the required entire columns.

Furthermore, we can check the Gridlines option box in the View tab to view the Rows and Columns’ gridlines, making data more readable.

Example 2 - 3

Example #3 – Cell of Excel

The intersection of a row and column forms a Cell.

A cell has an address to locate it in a worksheet. And the address is a combination of the name and number of the column and row that intersect to form the specific cell.

For example, the image below shows column C and row 5 intersecting to form cell C5.

We can enter the cell address in the Name Box on the top-left corner of the worksheet and press Enter to select the specific cell. Otherwise, we can scroll the worksheet and click on the required cell to select it.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 3

We shall now see examples that explain the difference between Rows and Columns in Excel based on the ways we handle them.

Example #4 – Deleting a Row

Deleting a row ensures that the record in the chosen row gets deleted. And the specific row will show the record previously in the row below it.

The table below contains students’ promotion status based on their overall percentage.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 4

If the requirement is to delete row 5, containing Roosevelt Long’s record, from the given dataset, then the steps to complete the action are,

  • Step 1: Click row number 5 to select the entire row.
Example 4 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Delete option → Delete Sheet Rows option.
Example 4 - Step 2a

Clicking the highlighted option will delete the entire row record. And the dataset will appear as shown below:

Example 4 - Step 2b

[Alternatively, click the required row number to select the entire row and right-click to choose Delete in the contextual menu.

Example 4 - Step 2c

The above action will also delete the selected row record.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the row we wish to delete and use the shortcut keys Shift + Spacebar to select the entire row. And then, press the excel shortcut keys Ctrl + to delete the chosen row.]

Example #5 – Deleting a Column

Deleting a column ensures the column data gets deleted. And the specific column displays the content previously in the column on the right of it.

Continuing the previous example, if the requirement is to delete column B, containing the overall percentage data, from the source dataset. Then, here is how to complete the action.

  • Step 1: Click column header B to select the entire column.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 5 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Delete option → Delete Sheet Columns option.
Example 5 - Step 2a

Clicking the highlighted option will delete the entire column data. And the dataset will appear as shown below:

 Example 5 - Step 2b

[Alternatively, click the required column header to select the entire column and right-click to choose Delete in the contextual menu.

Example 5 - Step 2c

The above action will also delete the selected column data.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the column we wish to delete and use the shortcut keys Ctrl + Spacebar to select the entire column. And then press the shortcut keys Ctrl + to delete the chosen column.]

Likewise, we can use the above-mentioned methods to delete any required number of Rows and Columns in Excel in one go.

Example #6 – Inserting a Row

The table below lists US stocks and their price change data.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 6

If the requirement is to insert a row before the last row in the dataset to add the details of a new stock, then the steps to insert a row in the required position are,

  • Step 1: Click row number 6, the last row in the dataset, to select the entire row.
Example 6 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Insert option → Insert Sheet Rows option.
Example 6 - Step 2a

The above action will insert an empty row before the chosen row, as shown below:

Example 6 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Choose one cell at a time in the new row number 6 and enter the required data to complete the dataset.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 6 - Step 3a

[Alternatively, click the required row number to select the entire row and right-click to choose Insert in the contextual menu.

Example 6 - Step 3b

The above action will also insert a new empty row above the selected row.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the row above which we must insert a new row and use the shortcut keys Shift + Spacebar to select the entire row. And then press the shortcut keys Shift + Ctrl + + to insert the new empty row.]

Example #7 – Inserting a Column

Continuing with the previous example, if the requirement is to insert a column between the two columns to display the stock prices in the updated dataset, then the steps to insert a column in the required position are,

  • Step 1: Click column B, the last column in the dataset, to select the entire column.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 7 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Insert option → Insert Sheet Columns option.
Example 7 - Step 2a

The above action will insert an empty column before the chosen column, as shown below:

Example 7 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Choose one cell at a time in the new empty column and enter the required data to complete the dataset.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 7 - Step 3a

[Alternatively, click the required column name to select the entire column and right-click to choose Insert in the contextual menu.

Example 7 - Step 3b

The above action will also insert a new empty column before the selected column.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the column, before which we must insert a new empty column and use the shortcut keys Ctrl + Spacebar to select the entire column. And then press the shortcut keys Shift + Ctrl + + to insert the new column.]

Likewise, we can use the above-mentioned methods to insert consecutive Rows and Columns in one go.

However, we must choose the same number of consecutive entire rows or columns as the required number of empty rows or columns to insert.

For example, if we need to insert three rows in a dataset. Then, we must select three consecutive rows at the location where we require to insert the new three rows. And then, use the process explained in “Example 6 – Inserting a Row” to insert the three new rows above the first row in the chosen rows.

Example #8 – Hiding a Row

The table below contains the sales generated data of ten sales representatives.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 8

If the requirement is to hide row 7, containing Joan Grant’s record, in the dataset, then the steps to hide the required row are,

  • Step 1: Click row number 7 to select the entire row.
Example 8 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → Hide & Unhide option → Hide Rows option.
Example 8 - Step 2a

The above action will hide the chosen row 7, and the dataset will appear as shown below.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 8 - Step 2b

[Alternatively, click the required row number to select the entire row and right-click to choose Hide in the contextual menu.

Example 8 - Step 2c

The above action will hide the selected row.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the row we wish to hide. And then, press the shortcut keys Ctrl + 9 to hide the chosen row.]

Example #9 – Hiding A Column

Considering the previous example, if the requirement is to hide excel column E, containing the Region data, in the source dataset, then the steps to hide the required column are,

  • Step 1: Click column name E to select the entire column.
Example 9 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → Hide & Unhide option → Hide Columns option.
Example 9 - Step 2a

The above action will hide the chosen column E, and the dataset will appear as shown below.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 9 - Step 2b

[Alternatively, we click the required column name to select the entire column and right-click to choose Hide in the contextual menu.

Example 9 - Step 2c

The above action will hide the selected column.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the column we wish to hide. And then, press the shortcut keys Ctrl + 0 to hide the chosen column.]

Likewise, we can use the above-mentioned methods to hide multiple Rows and Columns in one go.

Example #10 – Increasing the Width of the Row

The table below lists products and their annual sales figures from 2015-2020.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 10

However, row 7’s height is less than the other rows’ in the dataset. So, here is how to increase the row height.

  • Step 1: Choose a cell in row 7. Otherwise, click row number 7 to choose the entire row.
Example 10 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → Row Height option.
Example 10 - Step 2a

The Row Height window opens, showing the chosen row’s current height.

Example 10 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Enter the required row height value in the field in the Row Height window.
Example 10 - Step 3a

Clicking OK or pressing Enter will increase the chosen row’s height by the specified value.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 10 - Step 3b

[Alternatively, click the specific row number to choose the entire row. And right-click to choose Row Height in the contextual menu.

Example 10 - Step 3c

Clicking the highlighted option will open the Row Height window, where we can update the required height value to increase the chosen row’s height.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the row for which we must increase the height. And then, press the shortcut keys Alt + H + O + H to open the Row Height window, where we can update the required height value to increase the chosen row’s height.

On the other hand, we can click on the row number to select the entire required row. Next, hover the cursor over the bottom border of the row number to change the cursor into a plus icon.

Example 10 - Step 3d

And then, while left-clicking the mouse, drag the cursor downwards to increase chosen row’s height by the required value.]

Example #11 – Increasing the Width of the Column

Considering the previous example, column E’s width is insufficient and does not show the content clearly in the updated dataset. So, here is how to increase the column width.

  • Step 1: Choose a cell in column E. Otherwise, click column name E to choose the entire column.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 11 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → Column Width option.
Example 11 - Step 2a

The Column Width window opens, showing the current width of the chosen column.

Example 11 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Enter the required column width value in the field in the Column Width window.
Example 11 - Step 3a

Clicking OK or pressing Enter will increase the chosen column’s width by the specified value.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 11 - Step 3b

[Alternatively, click the specific column heading to choose the entire column. And right-click to choose Column Width in the contextual menu.

Clicking the highlighted option will open the Column Width window, where we can update the required width value to increase the chosen column’s width.

Otherwise, we can select a cell in the column for which we must increase the width. And then, press the shortcut keys Alt + O + C + W to open the Column Width window, where we can update the required width value to increase the chosen column’s width.

On the other hand, we can click on the column name to select the entire required column. Next, hover the cursor over the right border of the column heading to change the cursor into a plus icon.

Example 11 - Step 3d

And then, while left-clicking the mouse, drag the cursor to the right to increase chosen column’s width by the required value.]

Likewise, we can use the above-mentioned methods to increase multiple rows’ height and columns’ width by the same values in one go.

We can switch Rows and Columns in Excel by moving them. The following two examples explain how to move a row and a column.

Example #12 – Moving a Row

The table below shows the score details of 10 students.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 12

If the requirement is to move row 4 to the top and make it row 2 in the given dataset, then the steps to move the required row are,

  • Step 1: Click row number 4 to choose the entire row.
Example 12 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Cut option.
Example 12 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, click the row number to select the entire row and right-click to choose Cut in the contextual menu.

Example 12 - Step 2b

Otherwise, click the row number to select the entire row and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + X to cut the row.]

The above step will cut the chosen row.

Example 12 - Step 2c
  • Step 3: Click row number 2 to select the entire row, where we aim to insert the cut row.
Example 12 - Step 3
  • Step 4: Right-click the chosen destination row to choose Insert Cut Cells in the contextual menu.
Example 12 - Step 4a

And once we click the highlighted option, the initial row 4 record moves up the dataset and becomes the new row 2.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 12 - Step 4b

Example #13 – Moving a Column

Considering the previous example, if the requirement is to move column G to the left and make it column F in the source dataset. Then, here is how to move the required column.

  • Step 1: Click column name G to choose the entire column.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 13 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Cut option.
Example 13 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, click the column name to select the entire column and right-click to choose Cut in the contextual menu.

Example 13 - Step 2b

Otherwise, click the column name to select the entire column and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + X to cut the column.]

The above step will cut the chosen row.

Example 13 - Step 2c
  • Step 3: Click the column name F to select the entire row where we aim to insert the cut column.
Example 13 - Step 3
  • Step 4: Right-click the chosen destination column to choose Insert Cut Cells in the contextual menu.
Example 13 - Step 4a

And once we click the highlighted option, the initial column G moves to the left in the dataset and becomes the new column F.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 13 - Step 4b

Likewise, we can select and switch Rows and Columns in Excel, which can be contiguous or non-contiguous, to move them to the required locations in the workbook.

Example #14 – Copying a Row

The table below shows the leading companies in the US stock markets, their categories, and stock price details.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 14

If the requirement is to copy the row 5 data in row 12 to build a new dataset under the row 11 headings, then the steps to copy the required row are,

  • Step 1: Click row number 5 to choose the entire row.
Example 14 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Copy option.
 Example 14 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, click the row number to select the entire row and right-click the row to choose Copy in the contextual menu.

 Example 14 - Step 2b

Otherwise, click the row number to select the entire row and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + C to copy the row.]

The above action will select row 5 to copy it.

Example 14 - Step 2c
  • Step 3: Click the destination row number 12 to choose the entire row.
Example 14 - Step 3a

And right-click the target row to select Insert Copied Cells in the contextual menu.

Example 14 - Step 3b

[Alternatively, click the destination row number to select the entire row and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + V to paste the copied data.]

The highlighted option will show the copied data in the destination row.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 14 - Step 3c

Example #15 – Copying a Column

Continuing the previous example, if the requirement is to copy the column D data into column H, required to build another dataset from column G. Then, here is how to copy the required column.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 15
  • Step 1: Click column name D to choose the entire column.
Example 15 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Copy option.
Example 15 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, click the column name to select the entire column and right-click the row to choose Copy in the contextual menu.

Example 15 - Step 2b

Otherwise, we can click the column name to select the entire column and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + C to copy the column.]

The above action will select column D to copy it.

Example 15 - Step 2c
  • Step 3: Click the destination column H.
Example 15 - Step 3a

And right-click the target column to select Insert Copied Cells in the contextual menu.

 Example 15 - Step 3b

[Alternatively, click the destination column name to select the entire column and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + V to paste the copied data.]

The highlighted option will show the copied data in the destination column.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 15 - Step 3c

Likewise, we can copy multiple Rows and Columns in an Excel file.

Example #16 – Autofit Height of the Row

The table below contains a list of authors and their book details.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 16

However, row 2’s height is inadequate to show the corresponding record, and we must autofit the row height. So, here is how to autofit the height of the required row.

  • Step 1: Click row number 2 to select the entire row.
Example 16 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → AutoFit Row Height option.
Example 16 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, click the number of the row, for which we must autofit the height, to select the entire row. And press the shortcut keys Alt + H + O + A to autofit the required row’s height.

Otherwise, hover the cursor on the number of the row, for which we must autofit the height, until the cursor changes into a plus sign.

Example 16 - Step 2b

And then, double-click the mouse to autofit the required row’s height.]

The above step will autofit the required row’s height, making its content clearer.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 16 - Step 2c

Example #17 – Autofit Width of the Column

Considering the previous example, column E’s width is inadequate to show its content clearly, and we must autofit the column width in the updated dataset. So, here is how to autofit the width of the required column.

  • Step 1: Click column name E to select the entire column.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 17 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → AutoFit Column Width option.
Example 17 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, click the name of the column, for which we must autofit the width, to select the entire column. And press the shortcut keys Alt + H + O + I to autofit the required column’s width.

Otherwise, hover the cursor on the name of the column, for which we must autofit the width, until the cursor changes into a plus sign.

Example 17 - Step 2b

And then, double-click the mouse to autofit the required column’s width.]

The above step will autofit the required column’s width, making its content clearer.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 17 - Step 2c

Likewise, we can autofit multiple rows’ heights and columns’ widths simultaneously.

Furthermore, we can select the required total Rows and Columns in Excel and group them to make the data appear more organized. The following two examples explain the steps to group Rows and Columns.

Example #18 – Grouping Rows

The table below contains a list of customers and their order details.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 18

If the requirement is to group rows containing the Cat_1 customers’ data into one group and group rows containing the other category customers’ data into another group, then the steps to group the required rows are,

  • Step 1: Choose entire rows 2 to 5, as explained in the “Example 1 – Rows of Excel” section.
Example 18 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Data tab → Group option.
Example 18 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, select the required entire rows and press the shortcut keys Shift + Alt + Right Arrow to group the chosen rows.]

The above action will group the selected rows. And the outline bar on the left side of the worksheet represents the rows grouping.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 18 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Choose entire rows 7 to 12 and click Data Group to group the chosen rows.
Example 18 - Step 3a
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 18 - Step 3b

We can now click the ‘’ sign on the outline bar, one at a time, to minimize the corresponding rows group. Otherwise, click the number 1 box on the top left corner of the worksheet to minimize all the row groups in one go.

 Example 18 - Step 3c
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 18 - Step 3d

And we can click the ‘+’ sign on the outline bar, one at a time, to expand the corresponding rows group. Otherwise, click the number 2 box on the top left corner of the worksheet to expand all the row groups in one go.

Example #19 – Grouping Columns

Considering the previous example, if the requirement is to group columns containing customers’ details into one group, and, group columns containing the customers’ order details into another group in the updated dataset, then the steps to group the required columns are as follows:

  • Step 1: Choose the whole columns A, B, and C, as explained in the “Example 2 – Column of Excel” section.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 19 - Step 1
  • Step 1: Choose the Data tab → Group option.
 Example 19 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, select the required entire columns and press the shortcut keys Shift + Alt + Right Arrow to group the chosen rows.]

The above action will group the selected columns. And the outline bar on the top of the worksheet represents the columns grouping.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 19 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Choose the entire columns E and F and click Data Group to group the chosen columns.
Example 19 - Step 3a
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 19 - Step 3b

We can now click the ‘-’ sign on the top outline bar, one at a time, to minimize the corresponding columns group. Otherwise, click the number 1 box on the top left corner of the worksheet to minimize all the column groups in one go.

Example 19 - Step 3c
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 19 - Step 3d

And we can click the ‘+’ sign on the top outline bar, one at a time, to expand the corresponding column group. Otherwise, click the number 2 box on the top left corner of the worksheet to expand all the column groups in one go.

Example #20 – Setting Default Width of Rows and Columns in Excel

The image below shows an Excel worksheet containing cells with default row height and column width.

Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 20

If the requirement is to update the default column width in the Excel sheet as 10 inches, then the steps to set the required default column width are,

  • Step 1: Click the triangle on the top-left corner of the spreadsheet to choose the entire sheet.
Example 20 - Step 1
  • Step 2: Choose the Home tab → Format option → Default Width option.
Example 20 - Step 2a

[Alternatively, select the entire worksheet and use the shortcut keys Alt + H + O + D to open the Standard Width window.]

The above step will open the Standard Width window, which shows the current column width in the chosen worksheet.

Example 20 - Step 2b
  • Step 3: Enter 10 in the Standard column width field and click OK in the Standard Width window.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 20 - Step 3a

Once we click OK, the columns in the sheet will appear with a width of 10 inches, as shown below.

Example 20 - Step 3b

Furthermore, Excel does not provide an option to set the default row height. However, we can use the Row Height option to set the default row height, as explained in “Example #10 – Increasing the Width of the Row“.

  • Step 4: With the entire sheet selected, choose the HomeFormat Row Height option.
Example 20 - Step 4a

The Row Height window opens, showing the current height of all the rows in the sheet.

Example 20 - Step 4b
  • Step 5: Enter the required row height value in the Row Height window we wish to set as the default row height in the chosen sheet.
Rows and Columns in Excel - Example 20 - Step 5a

Clicking OK will show the rows in the sheet with the updated default row height.

Example 20 - Step 5b

Likewise, we can press the Ctrl key and click the required worksheet tabs to select multiple sheets. And then, we can use the above-mentioned options to update the default height and width of the total Rows and Columns in Excel worksheets selected.

How To Use Rows And Columns In Excel?

We can use Rows and Columns in a worksheet in the following ways:

  • We can use the rows to place entities alongside or horizontally. And columns help divide entities vertically based on categories.
  • We can use Rows and Columns to display data in a tabular format.
  • We can insert, delete, hide, group, and resize Rows and Columns in a worksheet to make the data more presentable.

Important Things To Note

  • The total counts of Rows and Columns in Excel are fixed. We cannot use more than 1048576 rows and 16384 columns in a worksheet.
  • Click the row number to choose the entire corresponding row and the column name to choose the entire corresponding column. And when selecting multiple rows or columns, use the Ctrl key.
  • We cannot add a column before column A in a worksheet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to unhide all Rows and Columns in Excel?

We can unhide all Rows and Columns in Excel using the Unhide Rows and Unhide Columns options in the “Home” tab.

For example, the table below shows a dataset with hidden rows 3, 5, and 6 and columns C, E, G, I, J, and K.

Excel Rows and Columns - FAQ 1

The steps to unhide all the Rows and Columns in the worksheet are as follows:

• Step 1: Hover the cursor on row number 1. And with the left mouse button clicked, hover the cursor on the remaining row numbers in the dataset to select entire rows 2 to 7.

FAQ 1 - Step 1

• Step 2: Right-click on a selected row number to choose Unhide in the contextual menu.

FAQ 1 - Step 2a

The highlighted option will unhide all the hidden rows in the chosen row range.

Excel Rows and Columns - FAQ 1 - Step 2b

[Alternatively, select the required row range and press the shortcut keys Ctrl + Shift + 9 to unhide all the hidden rows in the chosen row range.]

• Step 3: Hover the cursor on column name A. Next, with the left mouse button clicked, hover the cursor on the remaining column names in the dataset to select entire columns B to M.

FAQ 1 - Step 3

• Step 4: Right-click on a select column name to select Unhide in the contextual menu.

FAQ 1 - Step 4a

The highlighted option will unhide all the hidden columns in the chosen range.

Excel Rows and Columns - FAQ 1 - Step 4b

[Alternatively, select the required column range and press the shortcut keys Alt + O + C + U or Alt + H + O + U + L to unhide all the hidden columns in the chosen range.]

2. How to freeze Rows and Columns in Excel?

We can freeze Rows and Columns in Excel using the Freeze Panes option in the View tab.

Excel Rows and Columns - FAQ 2

We must choose the cell where we must freeze the Rows and Columns above and on its left. And then, select the View tab → Freeze Panes option → Freeze Panes option to freeze the required Rows and Columns in the worksheet.

3. How to show Rows and Columns in Excel?

We can show Rows and Columns in Excel by checking the Gridlines option box in the View tab.

The above action will show the gridlines in the worksheet, forming the Rows and Columns and making the data more readable.

Download Template

This article must help understand the Rows and Columns in Excel, with its formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to Rows And Columns In Excel. Here we understand features of Excel workbook, rows, columns, cells, examples & downloadable template. You can learn more from the following articles –

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