VBA Delete Row

Delete Row In VBA

In VBA, using Delete Row command, we can delete row(s). The trick is that if we need to delete a single row, we give a single row reference, but for multiple columns, we give multiple row references. For anyone who works in Excel, adding and deleting rows and columns is a common daily task. We use shortcut keys to swiftly do this task in Excel, however, when we develop automation of reports, we may have to eliminate some of the rows in the process.

Hence, when we write VBA macro coding, it is important to apply the deletion of the row in the code. As part of this, we need to delete alternative rows, and/or based on certain conditions, etc.,

In this tutorial, we will learn how to delete rows using VBA code.

Key Takeaways
  • Using VBA Delete Row code, we can delete rows based on the cell value.
  • Deleting an entire row is possible by using the Entire Row property of the ROW or RANGE Object.
  • We can delete rows with full empty or cells with values and every Nth row.
  • Similarly, we can also delete all the duplicate rows using VBA delete row.
  • Remember, to delete a single row, we should give a single-row reference, and to delete multiple rows, we should give multiple-row references.

How To Delete Row In VBA?

To delete row in Excel VBA, we need to mention the row number and then choose the entire row property and then choose the delete method.

Use the following methods to write VBA code to delete the entire row.

Step 1: Go to the Visual Basic Editor window by pressing the Excel shortcut keys ALT + F11.

Step 2: Start the subroutine procedure by naming the macro in Excel.

VBA Delete Row - Step 2

Step 3: Type the ROW property.

VBA Delete Row - Step 3

Step 4: For the ROWS property, we need to give the row number without double quotes. Provide the desired row number like the following.

VBA Delete Row - Step 4

Step 5: Enter the dot to decide what to do with the given row number. Choose the property EntireRow.

VBA Delete Row - Step 5

Step 6: After choosing the EntireRow property, we need to choose the method i.e., the Delete method.

VBA Delete Row - Step 6

We have the following value in row number 1.

VBA Delete Row - Hello

Let’s run the code, and it should delete row number 1, and we will have a blank row number 1.

VBA Delete Row - Output

As we can see, the code that we have written deleted row number 1 upon executing the code.

Similarly, the following codes will delete respective row numbers.

Rows(4).EntireRow.Delete – This will delete row number 4.

Rows(8).EntireRow.Delete – This will delete row number 8.

Rows(20).EntireRow.Delete – This will delete row number 20.

Note: Deletion of rows

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Example #1 – Delete Multiple Rows Using VBA

We can delete multiple rows by using VBA code. For example, we have the following data in an Excel worksheet.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1.jpg

From the above data, we need to delete row numbers 3 and 4 because we have blank rows.

To delete these two rows, open the ROWS property in the VBA code.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1-ROWS property

Open double quotes and provide the required row numbers like the following.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1 - row numbers

After the row numbers are provided, we need to choose the EntireRow property. However, while working with the ROWS property, we will not get to see the IntelliSense list to choose the properties and methods, so this makes the coding difficult, especially for new learners.

We will show you the alternative way to tackle the IntelliSense list. As of now, enter dot and enter the property EntireRow.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1 - EntireRow

Now enter another dot (.) and enter the method Delete.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1 - Delete

When we run this code, it will delete row numbers 3 and 4.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1- Output

When we delete row numbers 3 &4, all the subsequent rows shifted up, and the 5th and 6th rows become the 3rd and 4th, respectively.

This is where we need to be careful while deleting the rows.

Tackling IntelliSense List

When we used the ROW property, we were not getting an IntelliSense list to assist us in writing codes, so we needed to be absolutely sure of what code we are writing.

However, to get the assistance of the IntelliSense list, we need to use the VBA Range object.

Open the Range object in VBA coding.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1- IntelliSense List

Enter the cell addresses A3:A4 in double-quotes.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1- Range

After providing the cell addresses, enter the dot (.) and start writing the entire row.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1- IntelliSense List-entirerow

As we can see, we can see the IntelliSense list shows the options for us. Choose the EntireRow property from the IntelliSense list.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1- entirerow property

Enter one more dot to choose the delete method.

VBA Delete Row - Example 1 - delete method

Here also, we can see the IntelliSense list.

After choosing the delete method, we will have the following code.

Sub Delete_Multiple_Rows()


End Sub

This will also delete row numbers 3 and 4.

Example #2 – Deleting A Row If Any Cell Is Empty

In the above example, we have seen deleting rows only if the entire row is empty. However, take a look at the following data.

Example 3

Apart from having a complete row empty, we have some blank cells as well in rows 6 and 10. To delete a row, if any of the cells are empty, it requires a different VBA delete row technique.

Sub Delete_Rows_Cells_Empty()

   Dim HeaderCount As Integer

   Dim RowCount As Integer

   Dim K As Integer

   Dim LR As Integer

   Dim Rng As Range

   Dim RowNum As Integer

   LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

   HeaderCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(“B1:F1”))

   For K = 2 To LR

        RowCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(“B” & K & “:F” & K))

        If RowCount < HeaderCount Then

        Cells(K, 1).EntireRow.Delete

        LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

        K = K – 1

        If K = LR Then Exit For

        End If

   Next K

End Sub

The following code will test the count of cells and the count of the header. If the count of cells doesn’t match the count of the headers, we need to delete those rows.

The above code will check the header cells count from columns B to F and loop through each row and find the count of the looping cell row. If any blank cells come, the count will be less, so that cell’s entire row will be deleted.

Example #3 – Deleting A Row If The Entire Row Is Empty

Deleting empty rows in the data range is one of the common tasks. For instance, look at the following data in Excel.

VBA Delete Row - Example 2

There are empty rows in the data table, and we need to delete these rows with VBA code. Follow the steps described below.

Step 1: Start the subroutine by naming the macro.

VBA Delete Row - Example 2 - Step 1

Step 2: Enter the RANGE object and provide the complete data range from A1:F12.

VBA Delete Row - Example 2 - Step 2

Step 3: Here, we are not targeting any row because we are not sure which rows are actually empty. So, to do this, we need to choose the Special Cell method.

Example 2 - Step 3

Step 4: After choosing the special cells method, open the bracket, and we will see various properties of the special cells.

Example 2 - Step 4

Step 5: From the various cell types, choose xlCellTypeBlanks.

Example 2 - Step 5

Step 6: Enter another dot and choose the delete method.

VBA Delete Row - Example 2 - Step 6

The completed code is here in the following box.

Sub Delete_Empty_Rows()


End Sub

When we run the above code, it will delete all the empty rows from the given range of cells A1:F12, and we will have the following data table.

VBA Delete Row - Example 2-output

Example #4 – Deleting Every Nth Row

To delete every Nth row, look at the following data.

Example 4

In the above data, every odd row has a blank row, so we can use the following code to delete every odd row.

Sub Delete_Every_Nth_Rows()

   Dim K As Integer

   Dim LR As Integer

   Dim Rng As Range

   LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1

   For K = LR To 2 Step -2

        If K Mod 2 <> 0 Then

        Cells(K, 1).EntireRow.Delete

        End If

   Next K

End Sub

This will delete all the odd rows and gives the following cleaned data table.

Example 4- Output

Example #5 – Deleting Row Based On Cell Value

Deleting rows based on cell value is one of the key tasks in data analysis.  For example, look at the following data in Excel.

Example 5

We have the flight name and their arriving status as Yes or No.

We need to delete all the rows that have the status “No”. The following code will delete all the rows that have the value “No”.

Sub Delete_Rows_With_Specific_Value()

Dim K As Integer
Dim LR As Integer

LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

For K = LR To 2 Step -1
If Cells(K, 2).Value = “No” Then
Cells(K, 2).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next K

End Sub

The above code will loop through all the cells in the data range and check for the value in the status column. If the status column is “No” then, it will delete that row.

Example #6 – Deleting Duplicate Rows

Deleting duplicate rows is a day-to-day requirement. For example, look at the following data in Excel.

Example 6

By using the following code, we can get rid of duplicate rows.

Sub Delete_Duplicate_Rows()

Dim Rng As Range

Set Rng = Range(“A1:B8”)

Rng.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes

End Sub

The above code will remove all the duplicate rows.

Example #7 – Deleting Rows Having Any Strings

This is the easiest method because here, we are not testing any logic or criteria rather, we just want to delete the row having any string.

Simply mention the rows that we would like to delete either by using the VBA CELLS Property or the RANGE object.

For example, if we want to delete rows 1 to 10, then mention the rows like the following.


This would delete all the rows from 1 to 10.

Example #8 – Deleting Row Based On Dates

When we work with data with dates, we may need to delete rows based on the date value. For example, we have the following data in Excel.

Example 7

We have the policy number and the due date for each policy. We need to delete rows based on the due date if the due date is less than TODAY, then we need to delete that row.

The following code is for your reference.

Sub Delete_Rows_Date()

Dim K As Integer
Dim LR As Integer

LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

For K = LR To 2 Step -1
If Cells(K, 2).Value < Now() Then
Cells(K, 2).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next K

End Sub

The above code will loop through all the data cells and delete rows where the date value is less than the TODAY date.

Important Things To Note

  • We can delete a single row or rows in Excel using VBA delete Row.
  • With the ROWS property, we will not get the access to IntelliSense list.
  • It will reduce the effort of using multiple variables when we delete rows.
  • In VBA Delete Rows, Step -1 means the loop automatically reduces to -1 after every loop runs.
  • Even a small space character will not make the cell blank or empty.
  • When we reference a single ce­­­ll, we n­­eed to choose the entire row property to make the deletion applicable for the entire row.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to delete filtered rows in VBA?

To delete rows when the filter is applied, we need to use the special cells method and use the xlCellTypeVisible from that method.
For example, to delete rows with the range A1:F10 when the filter is applied the following code will delete only visible rows.

2. How do I delete a row based on criteria in Excel VBA?

For example, look at the following data in Excel.


If we want to delete the rows with the value “Old”, we can use the following code.

FAQ 2-code

3. How do I delete a row in Excel VBA with specific text?

If you want to delete the row with specific text in a cell, we can use the following code. The following code will delete the rows wherever we have “No”.


Download Template

This article must be helpful to understand the VBA Delete Row, with its formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to VBA Delete Row. Here we explain how to delete row in excel using VBA code with examples and downloadable excel template. You may learn more from the following articles –

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