Excel Rows vs Columns

Difference Between Excel Rows Vs Columns

Excel performs various functions based on the two most important features of Excel rows and columns. The matrix of the spreadsheets is made up of a table called Rows and Columns. A row and column intersection makes a cell that stores data. Rows are horizontal, and Columns are drawn vertically.

A row is a collection of horizontal data in a spreadsheet. In a straight line, the objects, words, numbers, and data are arranged.

A column is a collection of vertical data in a spreadsheet. The objects, words, numbers, and data are arranged up-down. In the image below, A, B, C, D, and so on are the columns, and 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on are the rows.

Rows Vs Columns
Key Takeaways
  • Rows and Columns are part of the spreadsheet table to store data. These are the geometric arrangement that divides any data set based on attributes.
  • Remember, we can hide column and a row by right-clicking on the mouse.
  • Users can calculate the sum of the values by referring to the cell address.
  • We can insert a new row and a column by right-clicking on the mouse and selecting the option from the menu.
  • There can be (1048576) rows and (16384) columns than the total count in the worksheet.

Excel Rows Vs Columns – Key Differences

  • The Rows are the horizontal lines in the Excel worksheet, and the columns are the vertical lines in the Excel worksheet.
  • The total number of rows is 10,48,576, while the total number of columns is 16,384.
  • The rows range starts from 1 to 1,048,576, and the columns range starts from A to XFD.
  • Press shortcut keys from the keyboard “SHIFT + Spacebar” to select the whole row.  
  • Press shortcut keys from the keyboard “CTRL + Spacebar” to select the whole column. 
  • To hide any row, select the whole row, press right-click, and then “Hide.”
  • For hiding any column in the worksheet, select the column, right-click the mouse, and then select “Hide” from the list.
  • For unhiding the hidden row in the worksheet, select row one above and one below the hidden row, then right-click on the mouse and select the “Unhide” option from the list.
  • For unhiding the hidden column in the worksheet, select one column to the left and one to the right of the hidden column, then right-click on the mouse and select the “Unhide” option from the list.
  • The default height of the row is 18.75 pt. and 25 pixels, while the default width of the column is 8.43 pt. and 64 pixels.
  • To freeze any row, press “ALT + W + F + R” one below the row we want to freeze.
  • To freeze any column, press “ALT + W + F + C” one adjacent to the column we want to freeze.

Excel Rows Vs Columns Comparative Table

BasisExcel RowsExcel Columns
DefinitionA row is a horizontal representation of lines where data is entered.A column is a vertical representation of lines where data is entered.
LabellingNumeric values represent rows.Alphabetic values represent columns.
FunctionThe syntax of the Row function is =ROW(array).The syntax of the Column function is =COLUMN([reference]).
NumberThere are 1,048,576 rows.There are 16,384 columns.
RangeRows range from 1 to 1,048,576.Columns range from 1 to 16,384.
Select all RowTo select the entire row, click any cell and press SHIFT + Spacebar.To select the entire column, click any cell and press CTRL + Spacebar.
To Select several RowsSelect the adjacent rows we want to select the range and then press SHIFT + Spacebar.Select the adjacent columns we want to select the range and then press CTRL + Spacebar.
Difference functionThe row differences compare the cells which are in the selected range in the same column as the active cells.The column differences compare the cells which are in the selected range in the same row as the active cells.
To Hide Row / ColumnSelect the row we want to hide, right-click and select the Hide option.Please select the column we want to hide, right-click and select the Hide option.
To Unhide Row / ColumnSelect one row above and one below the hidden row, right-click and select the Unhide option. Select one left and one right of the hidden column, right-click and select the Unhide option. 
The default height and width of Rows and ColumnsThe default height of the row is 18.75 pt. and 25 pixels.The default height of the row is 8.43 pt. and 64 pixels.
To Auto fit the ContentTo Auto fit the content in a row, double-click the bottom border of the underline row.To Auto fit the content in a row, double-click the right border of the underline row.
Index FunctionThe row_num argument specifies the row number in the array.The column_num argument specifies the column number in the array.
To Freeze Rows / ColumnsTo freeze any row, press ALT + W + F + R.To freeze any column, press ALT + W + F + C.
Lookup FunctionHLOOKUP compares the data from row to row.HLOOKUP compares the data from column to column.
Total shown inThe total is shown in the extreme right corner of the spreadsheet.The total is shown at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

This has been a guide to Excel Rows vs Columns. Here we discuss rows & columns with their key differences and a comparative table. You can learn more from the following articles –

Search for Text in Excel

Calculating Investment Return In Excel

Excel Project Management Template

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