What Is CRITBINOM Excel Function?

The CRITBINOM function in Excel is a statistical function that calculates the probability of achieving a certain number of successes in a fixed number of trials, given a specific probability of success on each trial. CRITBINOM stands for Critical Binomial Distribution. The CRITBINOM function is particularly useful when analyzing binomial distributions and making decisions based on probabilities in decision-making scenarios.

We will explore the CRITBINOM Excel function in the below example. The data in the table is organized as follows: Now, to get the probability of the number of successes with the given values, enter the formula as shown below.

=CRITBINOM (B2, B3, B4).

You get a result 2. The CRITBINOM function can be used to find occurrences such as the probability of getting a head when you toss a coin ten times or the number of defective items in a batch during production.

Key Takeaways
  • The CRITBINOM function in Excel finds the smallest number of successes for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a specified value. It is useful for estimating the maximum number of defective products allowed in a production run.
  • The syntax of the function is ; =CRITBINOM (trails, probability_s, alpha).
  • In Excel 2010, the function was replaced by CRITBINOM but is still available for compatibility with older versions.


  1. Trails – (Mandatory) This refers to the number of separate tests to be conducted.
  2. Probability_s –This is the probability of achieving success in every attempt.
  3. Alpha – (Mandatory) The criterion value of the Cumulative Binomial Distribution must be a decimal number between 0 and 1.

How To Use CRITBINOM Function in Excel?

To effectively utilize the CRITBINOM function in Excel, follow these steps.

#1 – Access from the Excel ribbon

  1. Choose the cell where you want the answer to appear. Go to the Formulas tab and click on it.


  2. Select More Functions from the menu.


  3. To access statistical functions, select “Statistical” from the drop-down list, then choose “CRITBINOM” from the menu.

  4. Enter the values for the arguments in the Function Arguments window and click OK to continue.


#2 – Enter the worksheet manually

Step 1: Select an empty cell and type in the formula =CRITBINOM(. Now, type the arguments and close the braces. Press Enter. Alternatively, start typing =C and then double-click on the CRITBINOM function from the Excel suggestions.



Now, let us look at a few examples of how to implement the CRITBINOM Excel function.

Example #1

Now, let us look at an interesting example. We will calculate the probability of the smallest number of tosses required to get at least ten heads. When we toss a coin, the probability that the coin will land on heads is 50%. Consider the total number of tosses to be 100.

The data within the provided table is organized as follows:


To calculate the desired output in cell B5, please follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose the cell B5 where the formula is entered to calculate the result. Here, we enter the following formula where we have 100 trials and must find the probability of 10 heads at a 50% chance of success. Please note that the probability_s and alpha values can be either in decimals or in percentage.



Step 2: Press the Enter key. The result value is displayed in cell B5, just like in the provided image.

Thus you get a result of 44 which is the minimum number of tosses needed to get 10 heads at 50% probability.

Example #2

In this example, we’re going to look into the concept of the CRITBINOM Excel function and how it can help us calculate probabilities to examine the number of successes in order to achieve a level of confidence and a success rate. The data in the table is organized like this:


To calculate the desired output in cell B5, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Pick the cell where you want to enter the formula and get the result. Let’s go with cell B5 for this example. Now, enter the formula exactly as shown below:

= CRITBINOM(B2, B3, B4).


Step 2: Click the Enter key. You’ll see the corresponding value in cell B5, just like in the image provided.


By following these simple steps, you can easily make use of the CRITBINOM Excel function to calculate probabilities.

Example #3

In this example, we will use the concept of the CRITBINOM Excel function and its ability to assist us in calculating probabilities to check the height of the commodity to achieve a success rate of attaining results.

The data in the table is organized as follows:


To calculate the desired output in cell B5, here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Select the cell where you want to enter the formula and obtain the result. Let’s choose cell B5 for this example. Now, enter the formula exactly as shown below:

= CRITBINOM(B2, B3, B4).

Step 2: Press the Enter key. You will witness the value appear in cell B5, just like in the provided image.


Using the above steps, you can utilize the CRITBINOM Excel function to calculate probabilities.

Important Things To Note

  1. The #VALUE! error occurs when any of the arguments are not numeric. If the trial argument is not a whole number, it will be rounded down.
  2. The #NUM! error occurs when the trial argument is negative, the probability argument is less than 0 or more than 1, or the alpha argument is less than 0 or greater than 1.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the purpose of the CRITBINOM Excel function?

The purpose of the CRITBINOM Excel function is to calculate the probability of achieving a certain number of successes in a specified number of trials, given a specific probability of success on each trial. This function is commonly used in statistical analysis and modeling to determine the likelihood of achieving a desired outcome within a given set of circumstances. By using the CRITBINOM function, users can quickly and efficiently assess different scenarios and make informed decisions based on probabilities and expected outcomes. This tool is particularly useful for businesses, researchers, and data analysts who rely on quantitative data to make predictions and optimize strategies. 

2. Are there any limitations to using the CRITBINOM function in Excel?

• One limitation of using the CRITBINOM function in Excel is its specific application in calculating the probability of achieving a certain number of successes in a fixed number of trials, given a specific probability of success on each trial.
• While this function is useful for analyzing discrete random variables and can accurately calculate probabilities for binomial distributions, it may not be suitable for more complex scenarios involving continuous data or non-binary outcomes.
• The CRITBINOM function assumes independence between trials and equal probabilities of success on each trial, which may not always hold in real-world situations. Users should exercise caution when applying this function and consider its limitations before relying solely on its results for decision-making purposes. 

3. Is there a difference between using the CRITBINOM function and other statistical functions in Excel?

Yes, there is a difference between using the CRITBINOM function and other statistical functions in Excel.

The CRITBINOM function is specifically designed to calculate the critical value of a binomial distribution, which represents the minimum number of successful trials required for a specified probability level in a given set of trials. This is useful for decision-making processes or hypothesis testing in various fields such as business, science, or engineering.

On the other hand, other statistical functions in Excel, like AVERAGE, STDEV, or CORREL, are more general-purpose tools used for analyzing data sets or calculating basic descriptive statistics. While they can also be used for similar purposes as the CRITBINOM function, they lack specificity and may require additional steps or formulas to achieve comparable results.
Therefore, understanding the unique purpose and capabilities of the CRITBINOM function can be essential for accurately interpreting and utilizing statistical data within Excel.

Download Template

This article must help us understand the CRITBINOM Excel Function’s formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

Guide to CRITBINOM Excel Function. Here we explain how to use CRITBINOM function with examples & downloadable excel template. You can learn more from the following articles. –

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