Features of MS Excel

What Are Microsoft Excel Features?

The Features of MS Excel allow us to enter data into tables and analyze the data easily. Graphical, Functional, Database, and Features of Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 are some Features of MS Excel.

The Microsoft Excel Features are used for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. The features include pivot tables, graphing tools, and a macro programming language, Visual Basic for Application (VBA). The spreadsheet is programmed for storing and analyzing data.

For example, the image below shows values in column A. Now, we will obtain the sum of numbers using the SUM functions in Excel.

Features of MS Excel - 1

The Formula of the SUM Excel Function is entered in cell B2.

The formula is =SUM(A2:A7)

Press Enter key.

The result will be returned as ‘111111,’ as shown below.

Features of MS Excel - 2

Likewise, we can use the features of MS Excel.

Key Takeaways
  • MS Excel features help us enter data in tables, analyze data and perform other useful functions with ease.
  • It has many features, including, Time Saving Shortcut Keys, Get Quick Sum of Numbers, Filtering Data, Paste Special features, etc.
  • Similarly, we can also create pivot tables, and use graphing tools and Visual Basic for Application (VBA)
  • MS Excel features’ are categorized into tabs such as Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View, and many more.
  • We can use these features in Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

Top 9 Main Features Of Microsoft Excel With Examples

#1 – You Can Insert A New Worksheet At Will

We can insert a new worksheet while opening the new workbook by pressing the + icon key available at the bottom next to the current sheet.

In the following example, Sheet 1 is the current sheet on which we are working. To insert a new worksheet, click on the + button present beside Sheet 1.

We can also use the shortcut key to insert a new worksheet, i.e., by pressing the keys SHIFT + F11 from the keyboard.

Features of MS Excel - Insert a new worksheet at will

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If you want to learn Excel and VBA professionally, then ​Excel VBA All in One Courses Bundle​ (35+ hours) is the perfect solution. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this bundle covers it all – from Basic Excel to Advanced Excel, Macros, Power Query, and VBA.

#2 – Time Saving Shortcut Keys

The Time Saving Shortcut Keys eventually reduce time utilization in evaluating Excel data. The following are the three shortcut techniques that save time.

  • Shortcut keys for copying the content


  • Shortcut keys for cutting the content


  • Shortcut keys for pasting the content


#3 – Get Quick Sum Of Numbers

In the following example, we will get a quick sum of numbers using the SUM excel functions.

In the table,

  • Column A contains the Values.
  • Column B contains the SUM.
Features of MS Excel - Get Quick Sum of Numbers

The steps to calculate the Get Quick Sum of Numbers are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the column where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell B2.
  • Step 2: Next, we will enter the Excel SUM Formula in cell B2.
  • Step 3: Enter the range value of the number argument as A2:A8, i.e., the sum value.
Get Quick Sum of Numbers - Step 3
  • Step 4: The complete formula entered is =SUM(A2:A8).
  • Step 5: Press Enter key. The result is obtained in cell B2 as 12952.304.
  • Step 6: We can also use shortcut keys to calculate the quick sum of numbers. Select the cell of which the total of these numbers is to be calculated and press the shortcut key ALT + = to get the AutoSum.
Get Quick Sum of Numbers - Step 6

#4 – Filtering Data

The Filtering Data technique in Excel is an important feature of Microsoft Excel. The Filter in Excel presents appropriate data by eradicating inappropriate data from the Excel sheet. The function filter’s data as per the basis of requirements provided. The feature is used when we want to fetch particular data from a huge database.

The following image shows the values, and we want to perform the following tasks in Excel to understand the mechanism of the Filter in Excel.

Features of MS Excel - Filtering Data - 1

Select the table range containing data, then follow the following shortcut to filter data.

The following are the three shortcut techniques that filter data.



ALT + D + F + F

Filtering Data - 2

#5 – Paste Special Feature

In the following example, we will Get a Quick Sum of Numbers using the shortcut SUM functions in Excel, and through this, we will evaluate Paste Special Excel Feature.

In the table,

  • Column A contains the Values.
  • Cell B2 contains the SUM.
  • Cell B4 contains the Paste Special.
Features of MS Excel - Paste Special Feature

The steps to calculate the Get Quick Sum of Numbers are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the column where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell B2.
  • Step 2: We used shortcut keys to calculate the quick sum of numbers. Select the cell of which the total of these numbers is to be calculated and press the shortcut key ALT + = to get the AutoSum. The results in cell B2 are 550 in the image below.
  • Step 3: Copy cell B2 containing the SUM output.
Paste Special Feature - Step 3
  • Step 4: Select cell B4, where we want to paste the special output. Press the shortcut keys ALT + E + S to open the Paste Special window.
  • Step 5: The window called the Paste Special pops up.
  • Step 6: Select the Values radio button of the Paste category.
  • Step 7: Click OK.
Paste Special Feature - Step 7
  • Step 8: The copied result is pasted on cell B4 using the Paste Special Feature.
Paste Special Feature - Step 8

#6 – Insert Random Numbers

In the following example, we will Insert Random Numbers in Excel.

In the table,

  • Column A calculates the Random Values.
Features of MS Excel - Insert Random Numbers

The steps to Insert Random Numbers in Excel are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the column where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell A2.
  • Step 3: Enter the value of the bottom argument as 10, i.e., the start value.
Insert Random Numbers - Step 3
  • Step 4: Enter the value of the top argument as 100, i.e., the end value.
  • Step 5: The complete formula entered is =RANDBETWEEN(10,100).
Insert Random Numbers - Step 5
  • Step 6: Press Enter key. The result is returned in cell A2 as 4, as shown in the image below.
 Insert Random Numbers - Step 6
  • Step 7: The random values change after dragging the + icon, as shown in the below image. Every time the values change with changes done in the worksheet.
Insert Random Numbers - Step 7

#7 – Insert Random Fraction Numbers

In the following example, we will Insert Random Fraction Numbers in Excel.

In the table,

  • Column A calculates the Random Values.
Features of MS Excel - Insert Random Fraction Numbers

The steps to Insert Random Fraction Numbers in Excel are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the column where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell A2.
  • Step 3: The complete formula entered is =RAND().
  • Step 4: Press Enter key.

The result is shown in cell A2 as highlighted in the image below.

Insert Random Fraction Numbers - Step 4
  • Step 5: The random values in fraction change after dragging the + icon, as shown in the below image. Every time the values change with changes done in the worksheet.
Insert Random Fraction Numbers - Step 5

#8 – Goal Seek Analysis

In the following example, we will use Goal Seek in excel using the MAX excel function.

In the table,

  • Column A contains the Subjects.
  • Column B contains the Values.
  • Column C contains the Maximum Value.
Features of MS Excel - Goal Seek Analysis

The steps to use the Goal Seek Analysis Tool are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the column where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell C2.
  • Step 2: Next, we will enter the Excel MAX Formula in cell C2.
  • Step 3: Enter the range value of the number argument as B2:B6, i.e., the maximum value.
  • Step 4: The complete formula entered is =MAX(B2:B6).
  • Step 5: Press Enter key. The result is shown in cell C2 as 99.
Goal Seek Analysis - Step 5

We forgot to enter the value in cell B6; for this error, follow the below steps;

Goal Seek Analysis - Step 6
  • Step 7: Select the Goal Seekoption from the drop-down list.
Goal Seek Analysis - Step 7
  • Step 8: The window called Goal Seek pops up.
  • Step 9: Select the cell containing the formula for the set cell box; in this case, it is cell $C$2.
  • Step 10: Set the value in the To value: box as 100. This is the value we want the output after the changes are made.
  • Step 11: Select the cell that does not have value by changing the cell box.
  • Step 12: Click OK.
Goal Seek Analysis - Step 12
  • Step 13: The window called Goal Seek Status pops up. The value is entered according to the desired output.
  • Step 14: Click OK.
Goal Seek Analysis - Step 14

#9 – Insert Serial Numbers

In the following example, we will insert serial numbers using the Auto Fill in Excel.

Features of MS Excel - Enter Serial Numbers
  • Step 1: Enter starting two numbers in the cells. In this case, we have entered 1 in cell A2 and 2 in cell A3.
  • Step 2: Select both the cells and drag them to the desired cell; in this case, we have dragged them to cell A11. We can also select Fill Series from the list, as shown in the below image.
Enter Serial Numbers - Step 2

Important Things To Note

  • The Features of MS Excel are very basic and easy to use.
  • There are shortcut keys to use the skillful MS Excel features.
  • MS Excel is used to save employee information easily.
  • Excel spreadsheets are used in hospitals for easy and convenient utility in medical.
  • Multiple worksheets can be added in a single Excel file.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Name some Features of MS Excel.

Some features of MS Excel are the Find and Replace command, Password Protection, Add Header and Footer, Data Filtering, Data Sorting, Built-in Formulas, and many more.

2. What are the benefits of using MS Excel features?

The benefits of using MS Excel features are;
Easy to store data
Easy to recover data
Application of Mathematical Formulas
More Secure

3. Name some features added in MS Excel 2019.

Some features added in MS Excel 2019 are;
Painless file-sharing option
Office Add-ins
Pivot table filtering
Integrated data model support, and many more.

Download Template

This article must help understand the Features of MS Excel examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to Features of MS Excel. Here we explain top 9 features of Microsoft Excel like SUM, goal seek, etc., examples & downloadable template. You can learn more from the following articles –

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