Power BI Date Functions

What are the Power BI Date functions?

The Power BI Date functions enable you to perform different calculations based on date. If you have ever used the date function in Excel or other tools for your calculation purposes, you will find these functions very similar in functionality and usage.

Top 10 Power BI Date functions

Here, we have listed the top 10 Power BI Date functions frequently used for reporting requirements. These include:

#1 – DAY

Overview of DAY function:

  • DAY function returns the day of a month, i.e., a number value from 1 to 31.
  • It accepts the date as the input parameter and provides the return value as Gregorian values regardless of the input value format.
  • If the input date value is in text format, this function performs the conversion to an interpretable format using the locale and date/time settings of the client computer.

Now, let’s look at the syntax of the DAY function.


Power BI Day Function - Day formula

To create a new measure using the DAY function, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Open the Power BI Desktop. Navigate to the Modeling tab. Click on the New measure.

Power BI Date Function - Day - Step 1

Step 2: Write a DAX expression using the DAY function to extract the day value for your input date in the formula bar prompt. Click on the Commit icon to save the changes.

DayExample = DAY(TODAY())

Power BI Day Function - Day - Step 2

Step 3: Navigate to the Visualizations pane. Select a Card visual icon. Map the newly created measure to the Fields section of the visual.

Day - Step 3

It will create a card visual in your report canvas in the Power BI.

Power BI Day Function - Day - Step 3 - card

#2 – MONTH

Overview of MONTH function:

  • MONTH function returns the month as a number i.e. 1 (January) to 12 (December). 
  • It accepts both date and text values.
  • For text values, it performs the conversion to an interpretable format using the locale and date/time settings of the client computer. However, if the conversion fails, then error is thrown.

The MONTH function has the below syntax:


Power BI Day Function - Month

The steps for using the MONTH function are outlined below:

Step 1: In the Power BI Desktop, navigate to the ModelingNew measure. 

Power BI Date Function - Day - Step 1

Step 2: Write a DAX expression using the MONTH function as shown below.

MonthExample = MONTH(TODAY())

Power BI Date Function - Month - Step 2

Step 3: Navigate to the VisualizationsCard visual icon. Map the newly created measure to the Fields section of the visual.

Month - Step 3

It will create a card visual in your report canvas in the Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - Month - Step 3 - card


Overview of QUARTER function:

  • The QUARTER function returns a number from 1 (January – March) to 4 (October – December). 
  • It accepts both date and text values as a parameter. 
  • For text values, conversion to an interpretable format is performed using the locale and date/time settings of the client computer.
  • For BLANK input value, it returns a BLANK value.

The syntax of the QUARTER function:


Power BI Date Function - Quarter

To use the QUARTER function in Power BI, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Create a new measure similar to example – 2 by writing a DAX expression using the QUARTER function. 

QuarterExample = QUARTER(TODAY() – 30)

Power BI Date Function - Quarter - Step 2

Step 2: Navigate to the Visualizations pane – Card visual icon. Drag and drop the newly created measure to the Fields section of the visual.

Quarter - Step 3 - card visuals

It will create a card visual in your report canvas in the Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - Quarter - Step 3 - card

#4 – YEAR

Overview of YEAR function:

  • YEAR function returns the year of a date, i.e., a 4-digit value in the range of 1900 to 9999.
  • It accepts the date as the input parameter and provides the return value as Gregorian values regardless of the input value format.
  • You can provide a specific date or even a date function as input parameters.

The YEAR function has the below syntax:


Power BI Date Function - Year

To use the YEAR function, follow the steps:

Step 1: Create a new measure by specifying a DAX expression using the YEAR function in the formula bar prompt. 

YearExample = YEAR(DATE(2024,02,29))

Power BI Date Function - Year - Step 1

Step 2: Navigate to the VisualizationsCard visual icon. Map the newly created measure to the Fields section of the visual.

Year - Step 3

This will create a card visual in your report canvas in the Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - Year - Step 3 - card

#5 – NOW

Overview of NOW function:

  • NOW function returns the current date and time in datetime format.
  • It has no input parameters and displays the current date and time value every time you open the visual in Power BI.

The syntax of the NOW function:


To use the NOW function, follow the steps specified below:

Step 1: In the Power BI Desktop, navigate to the ModelingNew measure.

Power BI Date Function - Now - Step 1

Step 2: In the formula bar, create a measure by writing a DAX expression using the NOW function. 

NowExample = NOW()

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Step 3: Navigate to the VisualizationsCard visual and Map the newly created measure to the Fields section of the visual.

Now - Step 3

It will create a card visual in your report canvas in the Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - Now - Step 3 - card

#6 – TODAY

Overview of TODAY function:

  • The TODAY function returns the current date and hence is helpful for scenarios where you need the current date as a reference point for any calculations or display purposes.
  • Unlike the NOW function, it displays the time value as 00:00:00 for all the dates.

To use the TODAY function, use the below syntax:


To use the TODAY function, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Create a measure by writing a DAX expression using the TODAY function in the formula bar prompt. 

TodayExample = TODAY()

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Step 2: Navigate to the Visualizations – Card visual to create a card visual in Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - Today - card

#7 – DATE

Overview of DATE function:

  • DATE function returns the input date in datetime format.
  • It accepts three inputs, i.e., Year, Month, and Day.
  • Year – it’s a 4-digit number starting from 1900 with a maximum value of 9999. Any values beyond 9999 or below 0 will result in an error. Any year value specified between 0 and 1899 will be added to 1900
  • Month – It’s a number between 1-12. Negative values will throw an error. If a number specified is beyond 12, then it will be added to the beginning of the year value.
  • Day – It must be a value between 1 and 31. Any values beyond 31 will be added to the beginning of the month value
  • The DATE function is not supported for use in DirectQuery mode in case of any calculated column or row-level security rules.

Now let’s look at the syntax of the DATE function

DATE(<year>, <month>, <day>) 

Power BI Date Function - date

To use the DATE function, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Specify a DAX expression using the DATE function in the formula bar prompt to create a measure. 

DateExample = DATE(2024,02,29)

Power BI Date Function - date - Step 1

Step 2: Use the newly created measure to create a card visual in Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - date - Step 2


Overview of DATEDIFF function:

  • The DATEDIFF function returns the number of interval boundaries between the two input dates. 
  • It accepts two dates and an interval as input parameters. The interval can be one of the following values
    • SECOND
    • MINUTE
    • HOUR
    • DAY
    • WEEK
    • MONTH
    • YEAR
  • It returns a positive number if the 2nd input date is greater than the 1st one. Else it returns a negative number.

The syntax of the DATEDIFF function

DATEDIFF(<Date1>, <Date2>, <Interval>)

To use the DATEDIFF function, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Write a DAX expression using the DATEDIFF function in the formula bar prompt. 

Datediff Example = DATEDIFF(TODAY(), TODAY() – 730, WEEK)

Power BI Date Function - datediff - Step 2

Step 2: Use the newly created measure to create a card visual in Power BI.

Power BI Date Function - datediff - Step 2 - card


Overview of CALENDAR function in Power BI:

  • The CALENDAR function returns a table with a date column that contains a list of dates based on the input date parameters (both inclusive). 
  • The CALENDAR function is not supported for use in DirectQuery mode in case of any calculated column or row-level security rules

Now let’s look at the syntax of the CALENDAR function

CALENDAR(<start_date>, <end_date>)

Power BI Date Function - calendar

To use the CALENDAR function, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Navigate to the Modeling tab. Click on the New table option

Calendar - Step 1

Step 2: Write a DAX expression in the formula bar prompt using the CALENDAR function to create a Calendar table. 

CalendarDateTable = CALENDAR(DATE(2021,01,01),DATE(2024,12,31))

Power BI Date Function - Calendar - Step 2

Step 3: Navigate to the Table view to view the newly created table along with the dataset.

Power BI Date Function - Calendar - Step 3


Overview of CALENDARAUTO function:

  • The CALENDARAUTO function returns a table with a date column that contains a list of dates dynamically calculated based on your input data model. 
  • If the model does not have any datetime value either in calculated columns or tables, an error is thrown.

The syntax of the CALENDARAUTO function:


Power BI Date Function - Calendarauto

FiscalYearEndMonth parameter can be any DAX expression returning an integer from 1 to 12. If there is no parameter, it defaults to the Calendar table templates for the current user. Else defaults to 12.

To use the CALENDARAUTO function, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Open the Power BI Desktop. Use the Get data option to import your dataset and load it into the Power BI data model. Here we are using the Avocado Fruit Prices dataset for demo purposes.

Calendarauto - Step 1

Step 2: Navigate to the Modeling tab. Click on the New table option

Calendar - Step 1

Step 3: Use the DAX expression in the formula bar prompt using the CALENDARAUTO function to create a Calendar table.

CalendarAutoDemo = CALENDARAUTO()

Power BI Date Function - Calendarauto - Step 3

Step 4: Navigate to the Table view to view the newly created table along with the dataset.

Power BI Date Function - Calendarauto - Step 4

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I create a custom date table in Power BI?

There are multiple ways you can create a custom date table in Power BI.

Option 1: Use Power Query Editor to create a Calendar table using M language
Option 2: Navigate to Modeling New table. Write DAX expression using CALENDAR or CALENDARAUTO functions to populate the date values
Option 3: Navigate to File Options and settings Options CURRENT FILE Data Load. Under the Time intelligence header, enable the Auto date/time option

2. How can I filter data by date range in Power BI?

To filter data by date range in Power BI, follow the steps highlighted below:

• Create a Calendar/date table and establish a relationship between the Calendar/date table and your table containing the dataset using the date columns in both tables
• Either use a slicer visual or DAX expression to filter the required data for your reporting purpose

3. How do I extract the day, month, or year from a date using Power BI?

To extract the day, month, or year from a date using Power BI, use the below functions:


4. Can I create a dynamic date range slicer in Power BI?

Yes, you can create a dynamic date range or a relative date slicer in Power BI.

Step 1: Create a slicer visual and select a date value
Step 2: Choose the slicer. Under the Format, your visual tab, navigate to Visual – Slicer settings – Options, change Style to Relative Date
This will create a dynamic date range slicer in Power BI.

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Guide to Power BI Date Functions. Here we explain the list of top 10 Power BI Date functions used for reporting requirements, with examples & points to remember. You can learn more from the following articles –

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