VBA String to Date

What is Excel VBA String to Date?

You can come across many cases in Excel VBA where you will need to translate strings representing a date into actual date values. There is a way to transform an input string to a date value. The VBA String to Date or VBA CDATE feature is a technique that can be used to convert a string in such format.

The manner in which the function works is to first represent the input string as numeric, which is then converted to a date format in excel. Only the date format that the system has configured determines the final date format.

Let’s look at an example wherein we declare two variables, dateString, and convertedDate, to hold the input date string and the converted date, respectively.

Excel VBA String to Date 1

The dateString is set to “05/20/22,” representing a date in the “MM/DD/YY” format. We use the VBA String to Date function to convert this string into a date and store it in the variable, convertedDate. Finally, a message box is displayed, showing the converted date.

When executed, this code will display a message box with “Converted Date: 5/20/2022.”

Excel VBA String to Date 1-1
Key Takeaways
  1. The VBA string to date conversion is the technique of converting a textual content-primarily based date into a date data type that may be used for date-related calculations and operations.
  2. Verify the validity of the converted date using the use of capabilities like IsDate. This allows you to test if the transformed date is recognized as a valid date value before proceeding with additional operations.
  3. The VBA string to date time conversion involves the transformation of a string that consists of each date and time record into a date-time records type, permitting you to paint with complete date and time values to your VBA code.

How to Convert String Values to Date?

Step 1: Open Excel and press ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor.

How to Convert String Values to Date 1

Step 2: Insert a new module by clicking on “Insert” in the menu and selecting “Module.”

How to Convert String Values to Date 1-1

Step 3: In the new module, begin by declaring two variables in your code. One variable will be used to store the string containing the date, and the other will hold the converted date.

For example:

Dim dateString As String

Dim convertedDate As Date

Step 4: Set the “dateString” variable to the string that represents the date you want to convert. Ensure that the string is correctly formatted to represent a valid date.

For example: dateString = “2023-01-15”

Step 5: Utilize the VBA String to Date conversion function to convert the string into a date value. In Excel VBA, the commonly used function for this purpose is CDate. It takes the string as input and performs the conversion.

For example: convertedDate = CDate(dateString)

Step 6: Next, think about adding error handling. Error handling in VBA makes sure that your code handles potential conversion failure scenarios appropriately. To deal with exceptions, you might employ strategies like “On Error Resume Next“.

Step 7: Now that you have successfully converted the string into a date, you can use the convertedDate variable in your VBA code for various date-related operations.


Example #1

In this example, we will see how to use the VBA String to Date function to convert the string “2023-01-15” into a date format and then display the converted date using a message box.

Step 1: In the new module, we first define a VBA subroutine named ConvertBasicDate.

We then declare two variables, “dateString” to store the input date string and “convertedDate” to store the converted date as a Date data type.

VBA String to Date Example 1

Step 2: Here, we assign the date in the form of a string “2023-01-15” to the dateString variable. This string represents a date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD.”

VBA String to Date Example 1-1

Step 3: In this line, we use the CDate VBA function to convert the dateString to a date. The CDate function takes the string dateString and converts it to a Date VBA data type.

The result is stored in the convertedDate variable.

VBA String to Date Example 1-2

Step 4: Finally, we display a message box with the converted date value using the MsgBox function. The message includes the text “Converted Date: ” followed by the value of convertedDate.

VBA String to Date Example 1-3

Step 5: When you run this code, a message box in VBA will pop up displaying “Converted Date: 1/15/2023,” indicating that the string “2023-01-15” has been successfully converted to a date.

VBA String to Date Example 1-4

Here is the complete  code:

Sub ConvertBasicDate()

    Dim dateString As String

    Dim convertedDate As Date

    dateString = “2023-01-15”

    convertedDate = CDate(dateString)

    MsgBox “Converted Date: ” & convertedDate

End Sub

Example #2

In this example, we will see the VBA String to Date function’s ability to convert the string “01/15/23,” which is in a custom date format (“MM/DD/YY”), into a date value.

Step 1: Similar to the first example, we declare two variables, dateString and convertedDate.

VBA String to Date Example 2

Step 2: Here, we assign the string “01/15/23” to the dateString variable, which represents the date in “MM/DD/YY” format.

VBA String to Date Example 2-1

Step 3: This line uses the CDate function to convert the dateString into a date and stores it in the convertedDate variable.

VBA String to Date Example 2-2

Step 4: We display a message box with the converted date. In this case, the message box will display “Converted Date: 1/15/2023,” converted into the default date format.

VBA String to Date Example 2-3

Step 5: Now click on Run. When you run this code, it converts the string “01/15/23” in the custom format (“MM/DD/YY”) into a date value and then displays the converted date in a message box.

VBA String to Date Example 2-4

Here is the full code:

Sub ConvertCustomFormat()

    Dim dateString As String

    Dim convertedDate As Date

    dateString = “01/15/23”

    convertedDate = CDate(dateString)

    MsgBox “Converted Date: ” & convertedDate

End Sub

Example #3

In this example, we will learn how the VBA String to Date function can efficiently convert a string, “2023-01-15 14:30:00,” containing both date and time information into a date-time value.

Step 1: In the new module, once again, we declare two variables, dateTimeString and convertedDateTime.

VBA String to Date Example 3

Step 2: In this step, we assign the string “2023-01-15 14:30:00” to dateTimeString, which contains both date and time information.

VBA String to Date Example 3-1

Step 3: Now, we use the VBA String to Date function to convert the dateTimeString into a date-time value and store it in the variable, convertedDateTime.

VBA String to Date Example 3-2

Step 4: We display a message box showing the converted date-time. When executed, the message box will display “Converted Date-Time: 1/15/2023 2:30:00 PM,” including both date and time information.

VBA String to Date Example 3-3

Step 5: When you execute the code, the output reflects the date “January 15, 2023,” along with the time “2:30:00 PM,” as converted from the input string containing both date and time information.

VBA String to Date Example 3-4

Here is the full code:

Sub ConvertDateTime()

    Dim dateTimeString As String

    Dim convertedDateTime As Date

    dateTimeString = “2023-01-15 14:30:00”

    convertedDateTime = CDate(dateTimeString)

    MsgBox “Converted Date-Time: ” & convertedDateTime

End Sub

Important Things To Note

  1. Excel’s date system has limitations, and it may only accurately handle dates within the range of January 1, 1900, to December 31, 9999. If you need to work with dates outside this range, consider alternative solutions or date libraries.
  2. Be aware of the date delimiters used in the input string. Different regions may use different symbols or characters to separate day, month, and year components. Ensure that your code handles these delimiters correctly.
  3. The VBA string-to-date format refers to the ability to control the appearance and layout of a date when converting it from a string.
  4. When working with date-time values, be mindful of time zone differences if your application involves global time data. Consider using functions like DateAdd to handle time zone conversions or adjustments when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can I customize the date format during conversion in VBA?

Yes, you may use VBA to alternate the date format during conversion. By default, the VBA String to Date feature uses the date layout settings configured at the device.

On the other hand, you can shop the date as a string or show it within the layout of your preference. Use the Format function to transform and layout the date in your actual specifications in case you need more formatting control. This makes it simple to alter the output date layout.

Q2. Are there any potential pitfalls or considerations when working with date conversions in VBA?

Yes, there are several considerations when working with date conversions in VBA:

• Ensure that the input string matches the expected date format to avoid conversion errors.
• Be aware of potential differences in date formatting based on the locale (regional settings) of the system where the VBA code is executed.
• Handle situations where the input string might not represent a valid date. Implement error handling to gracefully manage conversion errors.
• Keep in mind that date conversions may not handle dates before 1900 correctly due to Excel’s date system limitation.

Q3. What should I do if the date string includes non-numeric characters or words during conversion in VBA?

Before utilizing the VBA String to Date function, you should clean or format the date string to remove or replace any non-numeric characters or words.

The string can be preprocessed using methods like Replace or regular expressions to extract the date’s numerical components. Before trying the conversion, it is imperative to make sure that the resultant string only contains proper date information.

Q4. Can I convert a string with time information to a date-time value in VBA?

Yes, you may use the VBA String to Date function to turn a string that contains the date and time into a date-time value. The translated value will contain both the date and the time components if the string has both.

The generated date-time value can then be used in your VBA code to carry out different date and time computations or to display it as required.

This has been a guide to VBA String to Date. Here we learn How to Convert String Values to Date along with examples. You can learn more from the following articles –

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