Extract Number From String In Excel

What Is Extract Number From String In Excel?

Extracting numbers from a string in Excel refers to the process of isolating numerical values that are embedded within text data. This feature is particularly useful when working with datasets that contain alphanumeric strings, as it allows for the extraction and subsequent manipulation of numeric values without manual intervention.

We are currently in the process of extracting numbers from any side of a string in Excel. To accomplish this, please input the provided formula into the respective cells.

Extract Number From String Excel Example

The comprehensive formula for this task is as follows:


Press Enter Key.

We can see the result in column B.

Extract Number From String Excel Example Output

Key Takeaways
  • The Extract Number functions allow us to extract specific parts of a text or string value. To ensure the formula remains dynamic, we can also utilize supporting functions like “FIND” and “LEN.”
  • Data manipulation involves splitting single-cell values into multiple cells and combining multiple cell values into one. In Excel, this task can be achieved using the text functions such as “LEFT,” “MID,” and “RIGHT.”
  • Extracting only numbers when dealing with alpha-numeric values requires a higher level of formula proficiency. It demands an advanced understanding of complex formulas and techniques.

How To Extract Number From String In Excel?

To extract a number from a string in Excel, several steps can be followed.

  • First, it is necessary to identify the position of the first digit within the string.
  • This can be done by using the FIND or SEARCH function along with a combination of nested functions such as MID or RIGHT.
  • Once the position is determined, one can use the VALUE function to convert the extracted text into a numerical value.
  • It is crucial to consider any potential inconsistencies in formatting or text variations within the string that may affect accurate number extraction.
  • To account for this, using functions like SUBSTITUTE or CLEAN can help eliminate unwanted characters or spaces before applying other extraction techniques.

By following these steps and ensuring consistency in data formatting and organization, one can successfully extract numbers from strings in Excel while maintaining data integrity and reliability.


Example #1 – Extract Number From The String At The End In Excel?

To illustrate the Extraction of a Number from the String at the End in Excel, let’s consider the following example.

Step 1: We need to extract the numbers from the right-hand side of the string. However, the exact number of digits required is unknown.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 1 - step 1

Step 2: Before the numerical value appears, there is typically an underscore (_) character. Therefore, our first step is to identify the position of this underscore character. We can accomplish this by using the FIND function in Excel.

To use the FIND function, we need to specify the text we want to find in the find_text argument. In this example, we want to locate the underscore, so we enter it within double quotes.

The within_text argument refers to the text in which we want to find the specified text. In this case, we select the cell reference.

The last argument is not necessary at this point, so we can leave it blank.

The formula used is =FIND(“_”,A2) and the result obtained is in column B.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 1 - step 2

Step 3: By applying the FIND function, we obtain the positions of the underscore character for each cell. Next, we need to determine the total length of the text value. To do this, we can use the LEN function in Excel.

The formula used is =LEN(A2), and the result obtained is in column C.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 1 - step 3

Step 4: Now that we have both the total number of characters and the positions of the underscore before the numerical value, we can calculate the number of characters needed for the RIGHT function. This is done by subtracting the total characters from the underscore position.

The formula used is =C2-B2, and the result obtained is in column D.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 1 - step 4

Step 5: Finally, we can apply the RIGHT function in cell E2 to extract the numbers from the right-hand side.

The formula used is =RIGHT(A2,D2), and the result obtained is in column E.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 1 - step 5

Example #2 – Extract Numbers From Right Side But Without Special Characters

Assuming we have the same data, but this time, there are no special characters preceding the numerical value.

In the previous example, we were able to identify the position of the special character. However, in this case, we do not have that advantage.

We will utilize the following formula to determine the “Numerical Position.”

Step 1: Enter the formula in respective cells.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 2 - step 1

Step 2: For the SEARCH function in Excel, we have provided all possible starting numbers for the numerical values. This formula searches for the position of the numerical value within the cell. By including all possible numbers in the array, the resulting arrays should contain the same numbers. The MIN function in Excel then returns the smallest number from the two arrays, resulting in the following formula:


The result obtained is in column B.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 2 - step 2

Step 3: Next, the “LEN” – position of the numerical value will indicate the number of characters required from the right side.

The formula used is =LEN(A2), and the result obtained is in column C.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 2 - step 3

Step 4: By applying this formula, we can obtain the desired number of characters.

The formula used is =C2-B2+1, and the result obtained is in column D.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 2 - step 4

Step 5: Finally, we need to utilize the RIGHT function in Excel to extract only the numerical part from the string.

The formula used is =RIGHT(A2,D2), and the result obtained is in column E.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 2 - step 5

Example #3 – Extract Number From Any Position In Excel

We have previously discussed extracting numbers from the right side of a string in Excel. However, this method may not be applicable in all scenarios.

Let us now explore how to extract numbers from any position within a string.

Step 1: Enter the formula in respective cells.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 3 - step 1

Step 2: To accomplish this, we will utilize several functions available in Excel.

The complete formula is =SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&A2, LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(–MID(A2, ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A2))), 1)) * ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A2))), 0), ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A2))))+1, 1) * 10^ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A2)))/10)

Extract Number From String Excel Example 3 - step 2

Step 3: The result obtained is in column B.

Extract Number From String Excel Example 3 - step 3

Important Things To Note

  • In Excel, this can be achieved through different methods, such as the combination of various built-in functions like MID, FIND, and LEN, or by using regular expressions via Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
  • By employing these techniques, users can effectively extract numbers from strings based on specific patterns or conditions.
  • This functionality proves invaluable when dealing with complex datasets characterized by non-standardized formats, enabling professionals to streamline their analysis and perform calculations accurately.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the purpose of extracting numbers from a string in Excel ?

The purpose of extracting numbers from a string in Excel is to manipulate and analyze data more effectively. Often, raw data includes strings of text with embedded numerical values, such as addresses or product codes. By extracting these numbers and converting them into numerical format, users can perform various calculations and statistical analyses. This process enables professionals across industries to gain insights, make informed decisions, and identify patterns or trends within the data. For instance, in finance or sales departments, extracting numbers from strings in Excel can help calculate revenues, expenses, or profit margins for different regions or products. Similarly, marketers can extract customer IDs from string-based survey responses to segment their target audience effectively. Overall, by leveraging this function in Excel, professionals can streamline their workflow and derive meaningful information from the data at hand.

2. Are there any limitations or constraints to consider when extracting numbers from a string in Excel ?

When extracting numbers from a string in Excel, several limitations and constraints need to be considered.
• Firstly, the method used for extraction will depend on whether the numbers are consistently structured within the string or not. Inconsistent patterns may require more complex formulas or VBA programming.
• Secondly, Excel has a limitation on the maximum number of characters allowed in a cell, so if the string is too long, it might cut off some data.
• Thirdly, leading or trailing spaces can interfere with the extraction process as they are not always automatically removed. To mitigate this issue, one would need to use additional functions like TRIM or CLEAN to eliminate unwanted spaces before extracting numbers.
• Finally, non-numeric characters present in the string can create difficulties when extracting numbers. Extra care should be taken to identify and remove any such characters using functions like SUBSTITUTE or REGEX if necessary. Professionals working with Excel must acknowledge these limitations and adapt their approach accordingly for effective and accurate data extraction from strings.

3. How do I extract a number from a string in Excel using formulas?

We are currently extracting numbers from the left side of a string in Excel. To achieve this, please enter the provided formula in the respective cells.

faq Extract Number From String Excel Example

The complete formula for this task is as follows:
Upon executing this formula, the resulting numbers will be displayed in column B.

faq Extract Number From String Excel Example output

Download Template

This article must help understand the Extract Number from Strings in Excel formulas and examples. We can download the template here to use it instantly.

Guide to Extract Number From String Excel. We learn how to extract a number from an Excel String with examples and downloadable template. You can learn more from the following articles –

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