VLOOKUP Two Criteria

What is Excel VLOOKUP Two Criteria?

Excel VLOOKUP Two Criteria allows the user to look up values based on two criteria, thus making it easier to find specific information in large data sets. To perform this function, the user must first define the lookup value and specify the table array range where the data is located. The VLOOKUP Two Criteria feature can also be combined with other Excel functions, such as IF and SUMIF, allowing users to manipulate further and analyze their data.

By using this tool effectively, professionals can save time and improve their accuracy when dealing with large amounts of complex data in various industries such as finance, marketing, or human resources.

Key Takeaways
  • The VLOOKUP function searches for the lookup value in the first column of the designated array or table.
  • It is a tool that allows for efficient and accurate data retrieval.
  • This function is particularly useful in large datasets where manual searching would be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • To search for the VLOOKUP function with multiple criteria, such as value1 from the first column and value2 from the second column, it is necessary to include an additional column for the search. This column should be added to the left of the data, appearing as the first column of the lookup table.

What do Two Criteria in VLOOKUP Mean?

In evaluating and decision-making, two criteria refer to using multiple measures or standards to assess a situation or problem. The idea behind this approach is that a single criterion may not always provide an accurate or comprehensive assessment, and using two criteria can help to mitigate potential biases or blind spots. This method allows for a more balanced and nuanced analysis, particularly when dealing with complex issues without clear-cut answers. Two criteria can be selected based on their relevance, accuracy, validity, and reliability and should be tailored to fit the specific needs of the task. By incorporating multiple perspectives and considerations into evaluations and decisions, professionals can make more informed judgments that are more likely to reflect real-world dynamics.

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How to Create a Unique Lookup Value Column?

The syntax of the VLOOKUP function in Excel is

Vlookup Formula
  • lookup_value = The lookup_value refers to the value searched in the table’s first row.
  • table_array = The table_array refers to the reference or name of the VLOOKUP table array from which data is retrieved. 
  • col_index_number = The “col_index_number” parameter denotes the column number in the “table_array” from which the desired value will be retrieved. Setting “col_index_number” to 1 will return the value from the topmost column of the “table_array.” Likewise, setting it to 2 will return the value from the second column, and so forth. It is important to note that accurate input of “col_index_number” is crucial for the proper functioning of the function.
  • range__lookup = The parameter known as “range_lookup” is crucial in determining whether the function should perform an approximate or exact match. A value of TRUE (1) indicates an approximate match, while a value of FALSE (0) indicates an exact match. The function will return the #N/A error if neither match is found. It is important to carefully consider the appropriate value for the range_lookup parameter to ensure accurate results.


Some shoppers went to the retail store to purchase some items. It can therefore use the VLOOKUP Function Create a Unique Lookup Value Column with the help of the Excel sheet containing the shoppers, items and quantity. 

  • Columns A, B, C, and D shows helper, shopper, items and quantity, respectively

Using the VLOOKUP function whole table can be fetched as below:

Step 1: Enter the formula =B2& “ ”&C2 to form the Helper column A.

Step 2: Select the cell in the other table, where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell G3.

VLookup Two criteria - Example - Step 2

Step 2:  Next, we will enter the Formula of the VLOOKUP Excel Function in cell G3.

Step 3: The entered complete formula is =VLOOKUP(G1&” “&G2, A2:D9, 4, FALSE) in cell G3.

VLookup Two criteria - Example - Step 3

Step 4: Next, press the “Enter” key. The results in cell G3 are “16,” as shown in the image below.

VLookup Two criteria - Example - Step 3

VLOOKUP Two Criteria Using Choose Function

A description of the grades of students is shown below. It can therefore use the VLOOKUP Function Two Criteria Using Choose Functionwith the help of the Excel sheet containing the grades, description and score. 

  • Columns A, B, and C shows grades, description, score, respectively

Using the VLOOKUP function whole table can be fetched as below:

Step 1: Select the cell in the other table, where we will enter the formula and calculate the result. The selected cell, in this case, is cell F2.

choose function - Step 1

Step 2:  Next, we will enter the Formula of the VLOOKUP Excel Function in cell F2.

Step 3: The entered complete formula is =VLOOKUP(F1, CHOOSE({1,2}, C2:C6, B2:B6), 2, TRUE) in cell G3.

choose function - Step 2

Step 4: Press the Enter key. The result is obtained in cell F2 as shown in the image below.

VLookup Two criteria - choose function - Step 4

Important Things to Note

  • The VLOOKUP function, when utilized with multiple criteria, enables the search for a specific value within a column and returns the corresponding value from another column.
  • The function is a powerful tool that streamlines data analysis and enhances data management efficiency. By employing VLOOKUP with multiple criteria, users can easily and accurately retrieve the desired information, facilitating informed decision-making.
  • The ability to quickly and accurately locate data, the VLOOKUP function with multiple criteria is essential for any professional seeking to streamline their data analysis process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I handle errors when using VLOOKUP and two criteria?

VLOOKUP with two criteria, it is essential to handle errors effectively to avoid inaccurate data. One approach is to use the IFERROR function in Excel. Inserting an IFERROR statement around the VLOOKUP formula will catch any errors and display a specific value instead. This value should be “N/A” or zero, depending on the analysis context. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure that our two search criteria match the data’s existing values. Any slight variation in spelling or formatting can lead to mismatched records. Double-checking our data before starting our analysis can prevent this issue from occurring and save time for troubleshooting later on. Regularly reviewing and adjusting our formulas will help us obtain accurate results without wasting valuable productivity hours fixing errors or inaccuracies down the line.

2. Is it possible to use VLOOKUP with non-adjacent columns?

To use VLOOKUP with non-adjacent columns, we can utilize the INDEX and MATCH functions together with VLOOKUP.

First, the INDEX and MATCH functions identify the relevant row based on a given value or criteria.

Next, VLOOKUP searches for the desired data within that row by referencing specific columns as needed. This combination allows for greater flexibility in data retrieval and analysis while still leveraging the strengths of VLOOKUP.

Additionally, using non-adjacent columns with VLOOKUP can help streamline data entry by reducing duplicate information across multiple cells or sheets. While using non-adjacent columns may require more advanced formulas and techniques, it can greatly enhance data organization and efficiency in Excel.

3. Can I use wildcard characters in my search criteria with VLOOKUP?

Yes, it is possible to use wildcard characters in search criteria with VLOOKUP. Wildcards are symbols that represent one or multiple characters when searching for specific data. For example, if a list of products and their corresponding prices, we can use the VLOOKUP formula to find the price of a particular item. By adding wildcards such as asterisks (*) or question marks (?), we can perform broader searches and get more accurate results. The asterisk represents any character, while the question mark represents a single character. Using wildcard characters also allows us to match partial text strings within our data set quickly and efficiently. However, it’s crucial to note that using too many wildcards could lead to slower processing times and inaccurate results.

Download Template

This article must help understand the VLOOKUP Two Criteria, with its formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly.

This has been a guide to VLOOKUP Two Criteria. Here we learn how to lookup value using two criteria with examples & downloadable excel template. You can learn more from the following articles –

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